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Re: [FSF] june FSF supporter

From: victorhck
Subject: Re: [FSF] june FSF supporter
Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2017 20:38:20 +0200
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El 09/06/17 a las 15:08, victorhck escribió:
> Almost done!
> Many stuff has been done, but still left some items to translate.
> https://pad.april.org/p/FSF_junio_2017
> Plase go for them, and let's finish ASAP, to be published.
> This weekend if you have spare time, just translate one or two items,
> and make a whole review, just only 15 min of your time...

Well I finished the Items left to translate:

- https://pad.april.org/p/FSF_junio_2017

Please, make a whole review and proofreading and when you finish, PLEASE
reply here in the mailing list, to know how many eyes have reviewed the


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