Help us reach our goal of USD 50,000 by July 16: Donate to the FSF today! Join Renew Donate Gift a membership Other ways to donate Membership benefits Links and related articles Move freedom forward! Without free software, we cannot and will not have a free society. To ensure a liberated future, it is vital that we educate ourselves and others about the steps we can take to secure our computing rights. It is a fight that touches the lives of everyone we know, and each of us has our own freedom story. We want to call attention to these stories, and use them to encourage people to start their own journey towards software freedom. In order to protect your rights, we rely on donations from people like you, who use and appreciate our work. Fuel our journey forward, and help us reach our ultimate destination: full software freedom. Share the free software message using the hashtag #UserFreedom on social media networks. Your support helps fuel our journey forward Connect with the FSF on IRC at Libera.Chat Read the latest blog postings from the FSF staff Watch our animated FSF campaign videos Watch or listen to LibrePlanet sessions Why do you support the FSF? Raise free software awareness using these images! "I primarily LOVE the philosophy of free software -- or any free business. It's the most ethical way to conduct business, where there is zero exploitation of the fellow human and any money is made via the donations of customers - of those who can afford to donate for the good of everyone. This is the real, ethical free market." -- Xalgia "In an increasingly computerized world, software freedom is becoming more essential in the protection of personal liberties." -- Daniel Wigle "Just doing my small part in preserving freedom in our computers and on the 'net." -- Anonymous Friend Share your reason with the hashtag #UserFreedom, or email us at Watch "Fight to Repair" and demand the right to repair