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Re: [FSF] [gnu.org #2092959] missing August supporter to translate?

From: victorhck
Subject: Re: [FSF] [gnu.org #2092959] missing August supporter to translate?
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2024 16:00:04 +0200

El 5/8/24 a las 17:40, Eko K.A. Owen via RT escribió:
¡Buenos días, Victor!

Thank you for the reminder! I am so sorry - I neglected
to send the .md file last week.

Also, I appreciated your joke :)

Here's that .md file for número 196, agosto 2024.

¡Muchas gracias otra vez!

Hello listmates.

Here you have the url to pad service to start to translate, fix, and improve the free software august issue to help to spread the free software movement:


Happy hacking

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