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Re: [gcmd-usr] Cannot use arrow keys, backspace, delete when renaming

From: Uwe Scholz
Subject: Re: [gcmd-usr] Cannot use arrow keys, backspace, delete when renaming
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2014 09:03:52 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.22 (2013-10-16)

Sophoklis Goumas <address@hidden> schrieb am [Di, 01.07.2014 08:44]:
> On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 10:32 PM, Uwe Scholz <address@hidden> wrote:
> > Which version of gtk+-2 is installed?
> $ apt-cache policy libgtk2.0-0 | grep -i installed
> Installed: 2.24.24-1
> > Do you have any other program running in the background? If yes, close
> > it and try renaming and using the position keys again. It might be that
> > a program in the background catches the pressed arrow keys, ctrl + arrow
> > keys, 'home', and 'end'. Otherwise... This would be strange, because you
> > can use those keys for moving the cursor in the file list?
> >
> Indeed I can use those keys in question to move around in file list, but
> when it comes to renaming a file those keys are being rendered "numb". I've
> tried with no other program running in the background and yet the problem
> still remains. I've noticed that as soon as I press F2 (or Shift-F6) it's
> as if the gnome-commander window loses focus (it becomes inactive).

Unfortunately, in Gentoo only gtk+-2.24.23 is available. 

Is there anyone in the list who may (or may not?) confirm the behavior
described by Sophoklis with gtk+-2.24.24?

I'm asking this because the rename-dialog (the rectangle which opens
right above the filename after pressing F2 (or Shift+F6)) is drawn via
gtk+-widget functions. The rename window is actually a gtk-textbox
without window manager decorations. The loss of focus of the main window
is okay in this case, as the rename window gets the focus while

> > If you have the time, try to install xfce or any other window manager
> > apart from Gnome and test renaming again. Does the cursor move in this
> > case?
> >
> I don't think I'll be able to do that, at least not soon, as there is
> no DSL availability where I am yet and I'm on GPRS/3G at the moment.

Okay, this might be not necessary. Can you please check what gtk+-2
version you are running on your desktop PC?


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