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Re: I/O in geiser-eval-buffer

From: Vladimir Nikishkin
Subject: Re: I/O in geiser-eval-buffer
Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2020 13:04:40 +0800

Well, the input of the repl buffer does get delivered to the interpreter, doesn't it?

I can imagine it working the following way:

When a piece of code (containing something that reads stdin) is submitted for evaluation, it gets evaluated in a separate thread, with stdin and stdout (parameterize)'d with something, so the thread would lock on reading from an empty port.

Meanwhile the main loop would return '(request nrequest accepted) and wait for the new requests. 

In Emacs, it would be possible to change to the repl buffer and the next request would be not evaluated, but rather unmarshalled and written into the parameterized port.

I'm a bit confused that geiser seems to be mixing it's own environment with that of the executable code.

Moreover, the thread monitor could be potentially polling the output parameterized port, and deliver the output to the repl (or any other consumer) piecemeal.

Does this make any sense?

Jose A. Ortega Ruiz <address@hidden> 於 2020年1月18日 週六 12:00 寫道:
On Sat, Jan 18 2020, Vladimir Nikishkin wrote:

> Hello, everyone
> I have the following tiny example:
> (display "hello")
> (read)
> I also have guile running in run-geiser
> M-x geiser-eval-buffer RET doesn't work. Or, rather, it works in a weird way.
> After I type the command, Emacs locks.
> I can then C-g and switch to the REPL buffer, and type
> (hi)^J
> The parentheses are shown, but "hi" isn't.
> Then I C-g again, and the repl shows:
> ((result "(hello)") (output . "hello"))
> typeset in red.
> So I am not really able to debug anything interactive with geiser.

Nope, that's a limitation of geiser.

> Can evaluation be made asynchronous?

It is already asynchronous, but it doesn't know how to read
interactively (it cannot prompt you easily, in part precisely because
it's async). 

The place to try interactive things is the REPL; there typing (read)
will work.  When I want to try interactive things, it's never evaluating
(read) or similar directly in a *module*.  Rather, i've got modules with
functions that are interactive

       ;; scheme buffers in geiser are always considered modules
       (define-module ...)
       ;; lots of code here, then...
       (define (ask-user) .... (read))

and then i go to the REPL and there i evaluate (ask-user) to try.  It is
unusual to have a module that calls anything interactive when loaded,
and what geiser-eval-buffer does is loading a module.

One can also run a guile independently, and connect to it from emacs
with geiser-connect (check the manual for details), and then run
interactive things in the independent guile.  That again is not what
you're asking for, but it's all that we have :)

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