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testing trunk branch

From: Gaius Mulley
Subject: testing trunk branch
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2021 12:06:40 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.5 (gnu/linux)

Hello all,

I thought I'd push out an email to say that trunk is pretty near to
being sent to the gcc patches mailing list.  I'm testing and checking
that gm2 does not break other languages currently - once done and it
passes I propose to email the patches.  So I was wondering if anyone has
testing kit easily to hand and wanted some fun of testing - now would be
a great time :-)

I use the following script to combine GCC and GM2 repros - which avoids
the 24 hour delay (from the git merge):

[caveat some of the directories will need to be changed to suit your

It assumes the savannah gm2 repro is in: gm2-savannah
and the gcc repro is in                : gcc-git

It also assumes that the directory $HOME/GM2/graft-combine exists



echo "about to remove gm2-floppsie, press enter to continue or ^C to quit"
read ans
rm -rf gm2-floppsie
cp -r gcc-git gm2-floppsie
cd gm2-floppsie
echo "attempting to apply patches"
for i in ../gm2-savannah/gcc-versionno/gcc/m2/patches/gcc/trunk/* ; do
    echo -n "  patch ${i}"
    if patch --ignore-whitespace -p1 < ${i} ; then
        echo "ok"
        echo "failed"
        exit 1
( cd ../gm2-savannah/gcc-versionno ; tar cf - * | ( cd ../../gm2-floppsie && 
tar xf - ) )

( cd ../gm2-savannah/gcc-versionno ; tar cf 
$HOME/GM2/graft-combine/gm2-front-end-`date '+%Y%m%d'`-tar.gz * )


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