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Re: [Laszlo-dev] [Gnash-dev] YouTube video via OpenLaszlo

From: P T Withington
Subject: Re: [Laszlo-dev] [Gnash-dev] YouTube video via OpenLaszlo
Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2007 14:25:44 -0500

I remember we recently fixed a bug that was emitting with blocks with extents that were 'out of bounds'. Somehow these did not bother the Flash player, but the caused flasm to croak.

On 2007-02-06, at 08:20 EST, Henry Minsky wrote:

Can you give more details on the opcode bug ? If we're writing a bogus
length field someplace it would be very useful to know about it. I'll try
running the 'gnash -v' test, but any other info would be very helpful.

On 2/5/07, Don Hopkins <address@hidden> wrote:

 I seem to recall something about the LZX compiler doing some kind of
obfuscation on the byte code.
Maybe that's why the length of the arguments after an opcode is wrong?


Rob Savoye wrote:

John Gilmore wrote:

I don't know if it will run in current gnash -- but it might provide
another path for testing gnash's video support, without having to
resolve all of YouTube's ActionScript issues.

   The last time I tried a Laszlo generated Flash movie, there was a
simple bug, we thought in their Flash compiler, that kept anything from
working at all. That was months ago, so it's probably worth checking
again. A simple test is to run Gnash with "-v", and look for
"unimplemented" messages. The mentioned bug had to do with the length of arguments after an opcode, which then screwed up the parsing of the rest
of the movie.

We still need to fix things so Gnash does work with GooTube, mostly so everyone will stop asking us when it will be working. :-) Plus that'll
be other functionality that is then fully compatible with the other
player. One more big thing working, off to the next task...

  Hey Don, want to do some Gnash hacking ? :-)

        - rob -

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:     Re: [Gnash-dev] YouTube video via OpenLaszlo
Date:     Mon, 05 Feb 2007 20:17:42 -0800
From: Don Hopkins <address@hidden> <address@hidden> To: gnash-dev Mailing List <address@hidden> <gnash- address@hidden>
CC:     John Gilmore <address@hidden> <address@hidden>, Don Hopkins
<address@hidden> <address@hidden>
References: <address@hidden><address@hidden> <address@hidden><Pine.BSO. address@hidden> <address@hidden> <address@hidden> <address@hidden><200702060218.l162IVWE00905 address@hidden>

Hi! I'm glad to help, and look forward to Gnash supporting Flash video! I've checked the video stuff into the OpenLaszlo subversion tree at the
following locations:

lps/components/extensions/av -- low level video components
lps/components/av -- high level video user interface components
demos/youtube -- youtube demo
demos/videolibrary -- video library demo (requires Flash Media Server or
test/video -- various video tests

If you want to run the YouTube player in debug mode, to see if there are any warning messages in the debug window (and to see the mediastream status
callbacks), then you can open it with this url: lzt=swf&debug=true&tag=wet+pets+san+pablo


John Gilmore wrote:
> strk said:
>> I'd add I've been trying to fix ActionScript issues preventing
>> youtube player from working.
> Don Hopkins implemented streaming video classes in OpenLaszlo a few
> months ago.  His blog says that you can use his OpenLaszlo code to
> access YouTube. (OpenLaszlo compiles into Flash, among other things.)
> lzt=swf&tag=wet+pets+san+pablo
> I don't know if it will run in current gnash -- but it might provide
> another path for testing gnash's video support, without having to
> resolve all of YouTube's ActionScript issues.
>     John
> PS: Don, I don't see your video code in the OpenLaszlo SVN tree; can
> give us a specific path to it?

Henry Minsky
Software Architect

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