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Re: [Gnewsense-dev] Your Reviews for select Mate Desktop and not Gnome 3

From: Frederique
Subject: Re: [Gnewsense-dev] Your Reviews for select Mate Desktop and not Gnome 3 in the next version
Date: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 00:28:57 +0100
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What exactly is the good reason behind the desire of wanting to throw out GNOME 3?
GNOME 3 was publicly received badly when it was released, primarily due 
to the instability, and the whole tablet interface on a desktop 
operating system fiasco.
I have been reading reviews of GNOME 3, and a lot of desktop users 
report they experience an increased productivity rate once they figure 
out all the bits of GNOME 3, leaving the classic task bar start menu 
behind in a grey memory.
I myself never got into GNOME 3. I never took the time to properly learn 
it, but it just raises a few questions as to why Debian would stick to 
GNOME 3, for gNewSense to throw this out. I use gNewSense to have a free 
Debian, and if gNewSense decides to do major overhauls like this, I 
would no longer be having a free Debian out of the box.
However, I am looking forward to try GNOME 3 with gNewSense 4 once it is 
done and thoroughly get to know if before I would really shape an 
opinion of my own.
I would like for gNewSense to remain as much of a default Debian as 
possible regarding the out of the box experience, minus the proprietary 
bits of course. I would not enjoy it either if gNewSense fades away from 
the stable repository by including recent / edgy software replacements, 
like resorting to, or adding, a recent MATE version, not offered by the 
Debian base.
If I wanted edge I would be using Parabola GNU/Linux.

On 26/03/2014 22:19, Sam Geeraerts wrote:
Op Wed, 26 Mar 2014 08:42:37 +0100
schreef HacKurx <address@hidden>:

It is very easy to make this, with this base :
Adding a repo to sources.list will probably get it working, but
gNewSense should be self-hosting and complete [1]. So the steps to
include MATE or any other software are:

- verify if software is free
- verify how committed upstream is to software freedom
- check if it builds with the tools in our release and patch if
- check if it integrates with the software in our release and patch if
- add/replace branding
- package, build and test
- keep track of (security) updates
- update and translate our documentation if necessary
- support users on IRC and mailing list
- update our Live configuration if appropriate
- generate and test alternate Live images if appropriate


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