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Win32 port status?

From: Jari Turkia
Subject: Win32 port status?
Date: Fri, 05 May 2006 18:33:35 +0300
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060308)


Plain and simple: What is the Win32 port status?

I needed to send SMSes from Windows platform and found out that existing Win32 binaries are either out-of-date or non-working. Since I use MS development tools on a regular basis, it was not too difficult to build a working binary with MS Visual Studio 2005. I also saw the instructions for Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003 by Robert Thomson but in my case that was a bit late.

In brief: A Win32 binary can be built from latest source. There are some changes and bugs that would have to be stored into CVS (the getopt_long declaration bug is a nasty one!) so that further releases would compile a bit more painlessly. To me it looks like Win32 source is not actively maintained. If that is the case, I will volunteer for that task. I certainly would appreciate help from any other interested person. Like most of you, I have a full time job as a programmer, but still would like to contribute for this project.

My idea would be to achieve a working code base for freely available MS tools, namely Visual Studio Express ( and already obsoleted Visual C++ Toolkit 2003. To me it looks like there is no point in trying to maintain any older commercial development tool versions (VC 6 or 4.2 for example). Also a ready built binary version for each new release would be needed. And as an additional bonus, I'm sure I could hack up a system to run a nightly build for Win32 version too.

So, how does that sound like?

Jari Turkia

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