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RE: Reading sms from nokia 6100 - bug ?

From: Faludi Gábor
Subject: RE: Reading sms from nokia 6100 - bug ?
Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2007 17:20:24 +0200

Whatever comes back don't seem to be UTF8  . The console is set to
hu_HU.UTF-8 by default , I tried to enfore it my the shell command you wrote
- no change . 

I realised that if I put the output to a file then it looks better however
long accents dissapear. Then I changed the Translation of PUTTY to
ISO-8859-1 and the characters are more readable but same result vs the file
Surely this is related to some conversion issue :) 
Here is my output  :
linux-2r39:~ # gnokii --getsms IN 1
GNOKII Version 20070413
1. Inbox Message (read)
Date/time: 14/04/2007 17:06:19 +0100
Sender: +36304945862 Msg Center: +36309888000
Répa mogyoro üuüiöIÜUÖÉA                    <---- this is better, but should
have been : Répa mogyoró üúűíÚŐÉÁ

Issues w/ chars like  : úűőÍíÚŐŰÁ

So where do i take it from here ? 


-----Original Message-----
From: address@hidden
[mailto:address@hidden On Behalf Of Daniele
Sent: Friday, April 13, 2007 11:24 PM
To: Discussion forum for gnokii users.
Subject: Re: Reading sms from nokia 6100 - bug ?

Faludi Gábor wrote:

> It seems that it isn't able to read the hungarian character set 
> properly . The console is set to UTF8 and other stuff looks fine .

I don't know about your console, but when I change the encoding to UTF-8
from the menu in Konsole then I need to set LC_CTYPE in the environment (I
always keep ISO-8859-1 though)

$ LC_CTYPE=hu_HU.UTF-8 gnokii --getsms SM 16 [...] 16. MO Message (unsent)
Date/time: 00/00/2000 00:00:00
Receiver: ******** Msg Center: ********
próba üzenet!


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