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Re: Nokia Premicell

From: Daniele Forsi
Subject: Re: Nokia Premicell
Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2011 14:25:25 +0100

2011/12/2 Tristan Drinkwater:

> echo "gnokii test" | gnokii --sendsms +44792045xxxx --smsc +447920xxxxx

the debug output doesn't seem to come from that command line because
it shows the same number for destination and for smsc, can you try

I checked using the sms_inbox feature of the fake driver, to test
yourself see "Advanced usage" in

> Invalid remote number length (47)

there is code in atnok.c to avoid that but it's checking for a more
sane "0301" rather than "Nokia Cellular Data Adapter for GSM and
PCN/DCS 1800 " (with a trailing space!), can you try the attached
patch? If it doesn't work check if I copied the right string.

Daniele Forsi

Attachment: premicell.diff
Description: Text Data

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