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[gnuastro-commits] master dddb483f 01/39: zeropoint: First make file for

From: Mohammad Akhlaghi
Subject: [gnuastro-commits] master dddb483f 01/39: zeropoint: First make file for obtainaing the zeropoint photometry
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2023 12:18:21 -0400 (EDT)

branch: master
commit dddb483f345a445ef79e7f56490b297c9c7facd5
Author: Sepideh Eskandarlou <>
Commit: Mohammad Akhlaghi <>

    zeropoint: First make file for obtainaing the zeropoint photometry
    Until now, we did not have any scripts for obtaing the zeropoint in
    With this commit, based on any number of reference images which have a
    zeropoint, we can calculate the zeropoint of the input image by using this
    This job is not yet complete: this Makefile will be called from a script
    that users should call. But this script has not been written, yet.
    This Makefile is a rewrite of a similar Makefile of Samane Raji. Also,
    Mohammad Akhlaghi helped in editing and debugging.
 bin/script/zeropoint-img-img-cat.conf |  23 ++++
 bin/script/   | 236 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 259 insertions(+)

diff --git a/bin/script/zeropoint-img-img-cat.conf 
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6c796b00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/script/zeropoint-img-img-cat.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# In the script we should define all the ref* variables from the input
+# options.
+# The rest of the variabels come directly from the options.
+# Input
+ref1      = indir/sdss-1.fits
+ref2      = indir/sdss-2.fits
+ref1hdu   = 0
+ref2hdu   = 0
+refnumber = 1 2
+ref1zp    = 22.5
+ref2zp    = 22.5
+input     = indir/jplus.fits
+inputhdu  = 1
+# Output
+tmpdir = build
+# Analysis paramaters For 'aper-arcsec' in the script convet the comma into
+# space (the user should give: --aperarcsec=2,3,3.5,...).
+aper-arcsec = 2 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 6 7
+magrange =
diff --git a/bin/script/ 
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0ea326c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/script/
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+# Creat final PSF for all tiles and all filters.
+# Original authors:
+# Copyright (C) 2019-2022 Samane Raji <>
+# Contributers:
+# Copyright (C) 2019-2022 Mohammad Akhlaghi <>
+# Copyright (C) 2019-2022 Zahra sharbaf <>
+# Copyright (C) 2022 Sepideh Eskandarlou <>
+# This Makefile is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This Makefile is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this Makefile.  If not, see <>.
+# Set input & Final target
+# Final target.
+all: final
+# Make all the commands in the recipe in one shell.
+# Second expantion.
+# Stop the recipe's shell if the command fails
+# Include configure files.
+include zeropoint-img-img-cat.conf
+# Build the main directory for saving the outputs.
+$(tmpdir):; mkdir $@
+# Catalog of stars
+# ----------------
+# Use Gaia catalog and only keep the objects with good parallax (to
+# confirm that they are stars).
+$(stars): $(indir)/$(input) | $(zpdir)
+#      Download from Gaia.
+       raw=$(subst .fits,-raw.fits,$@)
+       astquery gaia --dataset=dr3 \
+                --overlapwith=$(indir)/$(input) \
+                -csource_id -cra -cdec -cparallax \
+                -cphot_g_mean_mag -cparallax_error \
+                -cpmra -cpmdec --output=$$raw
+#      Only keep stars (with good parallax).
+       asttable $$raw -cra,dec \
+                -cphot_g_mean_mag --colinfoinstdout \
+                -c'arith parallax parallax abs \
+                         parallax_error 3 x lt nan where ' \
+                --colmetadata=4,PARALLAX,int32,"Stars with good parallax." \
+                --noblankend=PARALLAX \
+                | asttable -cra,dec -cphot_g_mean_mag \
+                           --output=$@
+#      Clean up.
+       rm $$raw
+# Apertures photometry
+# --------------------
+# To generate the apertures catalog we’ll use Gnuastro’s MakeProfiles
+# We’ll first read the positions from the Gaia catalog, then use AWK
+# to set the other parameters of each profile to be a fixed circle of
+# radius 5.1 pixels. To calculate the pixel size I have to use the big
+# origin image before cropping
+allrefs=$(foreach i, $(refnumber), ref$(i))
+aperture=$(foreach i,input $(allrefs), \
+          $(foreach a,$(aper-arcsec), \
+           $(tmpdir)/$(i)-$(a)-cat.fits))
+$(aperture): $(tmpdir)/%-cat.fits: $(stars)
+#      Extract the names.
+       img=$($(word 1, $(subst -, ,$*)))
+       zp=$($(word 1, $(subst -, ,$*))zp)
+       aperarcsec=$(word 2, $(subst -, ,$*))
+       hdu=$($(word 1, $(subst -, ,$*))hdu)
+#      Convert the aperture size (arcsec) to pixels.
+       aperpix=$$(astfits $$img --hdu=$$hdu --pixelscale --quiet \
+                          | awk -v s=$$aperarcsec \
+                                '{print s/($$1 * 3600)}')
+#      Make an aperture catalog by using aperture size in pixels
+       aperwcscat=$(subst .fits,-aperwcscat.txt,$@)
+       asttable $(stars) -cra,dec \
+                | awk -v r=$$aperpix \
+                      '{ print NR, $$1, $$2, 5, r, 0, 0, 1, NR, 1 }' \
+                > $$aperwcscat
+#      Make an image of apertures.
+       aperimg=$(subst .fits,-aper.fits,$@)
+       astmkprof $$aperwcscat --background=$$img --backhdu=$$hdu \
+                 --clearcanvas --replace --type=int32 --mforflatpix \
+                 --mode=wcs --output=$$aperimg --quiet
+#      Build a catalog of this aperture image.
+       astmkcatalog $$aperimg -h1 --output=$@ --zeropoint=$$zp \
+                    --inbetweenints --valuesfile=$$img \
+                    --valueshdu=$$hdu --ids --ra --dec --magnitude
+#      Clean up.
+       rm $$aperwcscat $$aperimg
+# Calculate magnitude differences
+# -------------------------------
+# Match reference catalog with input catalog and put reference
+# magnitude in the catalog. Then subtract the reference mag from input
+# mag. Finally, the final target has two columns of reference mag and
+# subtracted mag.
+magdiff=$(foreach r,$(allrefs), \
+         $(foreach a,$(aper-arcsec), \
+          $(tmpdir)/$(r)-$(a)-magdiff.fits))
+$(magdiff): $(tmpdir)/%-magdiff.fits: $(tmpdir)/%-cat.fits \
+            $(tmpdir)/input-$$(word 2,$$(subst -, ,%))-cat.fits
+#      Find the matching objects in both catalogs. Note that the
+#      labels are the same so we don't need to use RA,Dec
+       ref=$(tmpdir)/$*-cat.fits
+       match=$(subst .fits,-match.fits,$@)
+       input=$(tmpdir)/input-$(word 2,$(subst -, ,$*))-cat.fits
+       astmatch $$ref --hdu=1 $$input --hdu2=1 \
+                --ccol1=OBJ_ID --ccol2=OBJ_ID --aperture=0.2 \
+                --outcols=aMAGNITUDE,bMAGNITUDE \
+                --output=$$match
+#      Subtract the refrence catalog mag from input catalog's mag.
+       asttable $$match -c1 -c'arith $$1 $$2 -' \
+                --colmetadat=1,MAG-REF,f32,"Magnitude of reference." \
+                 --colmetadat=2,MAG-DIFF,f32,"Magnitude diff with input." \
+                --noblankend=1,2 --output=$@
+#      Clean up.
+       rm $$match
+# Zeropoint for each aperture
+# ---------------------------
+# Finding the Zeropoint. Calculate Zeropoint number in seperated file
+# and calculate the root mean square of Zeropoint.
+aperzeropoint=$(foreach a,$(aper-arcsec),$(tmpdir)/zeropoint-$(a).txt)
+$(aperzeropoint): $(tmpdir)/zeropoint-%.txt: \
+                  $$(foreach r,$(allrefs),$(tmpdir)/$$(r)-%-magdiff.fits)
+#      Merge all the magdiffs from all the references.
+       opts=""
+       if [ "$(refnumber)" != 1 ]; then
+         for r in $$(echo $(refnumber) | sed -e's|1||'); do
+           opts="$$opts --catrowfile=$(tmpdir)/ref$$r-$*-magdiff.fits"
+         done
+       fi
+#      Merge all the rows from all the reference images into one.
+       merged=$(subst .txt,-merged.fits,$@)
+       asttable $(tmpdir)/ref1-$*-magdiff.fits $$opts -o$$merged
+#      If the user requested a certain magnitude range, use it.
+       rangeopt=""
+       if [ x"$(magrange)" != x ]; then
+         rangeopt="--range=MAG-REF,$(magrange)"
+       fi
+#      Find the statistic zeropoint and write it into the target.
+       zpstd=$$(asttable $$merged $$rangeopt -cMAG-DIFF \
+                         | aststatistics --sigclip-median \
+                                         --sigclip-std -q)
+       echo "$* $$zpstd" > $@
+# Most accurate zeropoint
+# -----------------------
+# Using the standard deviation of the zeropoints for each aperture,
+# select the one with the least scatter.
+$(zeropoint): $(aperzeropoint)
+       zp=$(subst .txt,-tmp.txt,$@)
+       echo "# Column 1: APERTURE  [arcsec,f32,]" > $$zp
+       echo "# Column 2: ZEROPOINT [mag,f32,]"  >> $$zp
+       echo "# Column 3: ZPSTD     [mag,f32,]"  >> $$zp
+       for a in $(aper-arcsec); do
+         cat $(tmpdir)/zeropoint-$$a.txt        >> $$zp
+       done
+       asttable $$zp --sort=ZPSTD --head=1 \
+                --column=APERTURE,ZEROPOINT >$@
+# Final target.
+final: $(zeropoint)

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