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[gnuastro-commits] master 536052fb 35/39: astscript-zeropoint: writting

From: Mohammad Akhlaghi
Subject: [gnuastro-commits] master 536052fb 35/39: astscript-zeropoint: writting all receipes as in one shell
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2023 12:18:27 -0400 (EDT)

branch: master
commit 536052fb234a46a75cd01e7c6c01191a017d99a9
Author: Raul Infante-Sainz <>
Commit: Mohammad Akhlaghi <>

    astscript-zeropoint: writting all receipes as in one shell
    Until this commit, in the Makefile for the zero point calculation, we were
    assuming a GNU Make. However, in some systems this is not true. For
    example, on macOS computers it is actually GNU Make but it is not able to
    enable the .ONESHELL. target. Consequently, in order to make this script
    portable, it is necessary to consider each receipe as one single shell.
    With this commit, all lines within one receipe have been concatenated in
    order to make them as one single line. I.e., they are now executed in one
    single shell.  This makes the code harder to read and depurate but it is
    more portable. Still it is necessary to improve the comments and
    information above each receipe.
 bin/script/ | 195 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 1 file changed, 86 insertions(+), 109 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bin/script/ b/bin/script/
index 06d22674..96916e5d 100644
--- a/bin/script/
+++ b/bin/script/
@@ -60,17 +60,18 @@ $(tmpdir):; mkdir $@
 # Use Gaia catalog and only keep the objects with good parallax (to
 # confirm that they are stars).
-$(stars): $(input) | $(tmpdir)
+$(stars): $(input) \
+          | $(tmpdir)
 #      Download from Gaia.
-       raw=$(subst .fits,-raw.fits,$@)
+#      Only keep stars (with good parallax).
+#      Clean up.
+       raw=$(subst .fits,-raw.fits,$@); \
        astquery gaia --dataset=dr3 \
                 --overlapwith=$(input) \
                 -csource_id -cra -cdec -cparallax \
                 -cphot_g_mean_mag -cparallax_error \
-                -cpmra -cpmdec --output=$$raw
-#      Only keep stars (with good parallax).
+                -cpmra -cpmdec --output=$$raw; \
        asttable $$raw -cra,dec \
                 -cphot_g_mean_mag --colinfoinstdout \
                 -c'arith parallax parallax abs \
@@ -78,9 +79,7 @@ $(stars): $(input) | $(tmpdir)
                 --colmetadata=4,PARALLAX,int32,"Stars with good parallax." \
                 --noblankend=PARALLAX \
                 | asttable -cra,dec -cphot_g_mean_mag \
-                           --output=$@
-#      Clean up.
+                           --output=$@; \
        rm $$raw
@@ -126,38 +125,34 @@ zpinput=0
 aperture=$(foreach i,input $(gencat), \
           $(foreach a,$(aper-arcsec), \
-$(aperture): $(tmpdir)/%-cat.fits: $(stars)
+$(aperture): $(tmpdir)/%-cat.fits: \
+             $(stars)
 #      Extract the names.
-       img=$($(word 1, $(subst -, ,$*)))
-       zp=$(zp$(word 1, $(subst -, ,$*)))
-       aperarcsec=$(word 2, $(subst -, ,$*))
-       hdu=$(hdu$(word 1, $(subst -, ,$*)))
 #      Convert the aperture size (arcsec) to pixels.
+#      Make an aperture catalog by using aperture size in pixels
+#      Make an image of apertures.
+#      Build a catalog of this aperture image.
+#      Clean up.
+       img=$($(word 1, $(subst -, ,$*))); \
+       zp=$(zp$(word 1, $(subst -, ,$*))); \
+       aperarcsec=$(word 2, $(subst -, ,$*)); \
+       hdu=$(hdu$(word 1, $(subst -, ,$*))); \
+       aperwcscat=$(subst .fits,-aperwcscat.txt,$@); \
+       aperimg=$(subst .fits,-aper.fits,$@); \
        aperpix=$$(astfits $$img --hdu=$$hdu --pixelscale --quiet \
                           | awk -v s=$$aperarcsec \
-                                '{print s/($$1 * 3600)}')
-#      Make an aperture catalog by using aperture size in pixels
-       aperwcscat=$(subst .fits,-aperwcscat.txt,$@)
+                                '{print s/($$1 * 3600)}'); \
        asttable $(stars) -cra,dec \
                 | awk -v r=$$aperpix \
                       '{ print NR, $$1, $$2, 5, r, 0, 0, 1, NR, 1 }' \
-                > $$aperwcscat
-#      Make an image of apertures.
-       aperimg=$(subst .fits,-aper.fits,$@)
+                > $$aperwcscat; \
        astmkprof $$aperwcscat --background=$$img --backhdu=$$hdu \
                  --clearcanvas --replace --type=int32 --mforflatpix \
-                 --mode=wcs --output=$$aperimg --quiet
-#      Build a catalog of this aperture image.
+                 --mode=wcs --output=$$aperimg --quiet; \
        astmkcatalog $$aperimg -h1 --output=$@ --zeropoint=$$zp \
                     --inbetweenints --valuesfile=$$img \
-                    --valueshdu=$$hdu --ids --ra --dec --magnitude
-#      Clean up.
+                    --valueshdu=$$hdu --ids --ra --dec --magnitude; \
        rm $$aperwcscat $$aperimg
@@ -175,26 +170,23 @@ allrefs=$(foreach i, $(refnumber), ref$(i))
 magdiff=$(foreach r,$(allrefs), \
          $(foreach a,$(aper-arcsec), \
-$(magdiff): $(tmpdir)/%-magdiff.fits: $(tmpdir)/%-cat.fits \
+$(magdiff): $(tmpdir)/%-magdiff.fits: \
+            $(tmpdir)/%-cat.fits \
             $(tmpdir)/input-$$(word 2,$$(subst -, ,%))-cat.fits
 #      Find the matching objects in both catalogs.
-       ref=$(tmpdir)/$*-cat.fits
-       match=$(subst .fits,-match.fits,$@)
-       input=$(tmpdir)/input-$(word 2,$(subst -, ,$*))-cat.fits
-       astmatch $$ref --hdu=1 $$input --hdu2=1 \
+#      Subtract the reference catalog mag from input catalog's mag.
+#      Clean up.
+       match=$(subst .fits,-match.fits,$@); \
+       astmatch $< --hdu=1 $(word 2,$^) --hdu2=1 \
                 --ccol1=RA,DEC --ccol2=RA,DEC \
                 --outcols=aMAGNITUDE,bMAGNITUDE \
                 --aperture=$(matchradius) \
-                --output=$$match
-#      Subtract the reference catalog mag from input catalog's mag.
+                --output=$$match; \
        asttable $$match -c1 -c'arith $$1 $$2 -' \
                 --colmetadat=1,MAG-REF,f32,"Magnitude of reference." \
                  --colmetadat=2,MAG-DIFF,f32,"Magnitude diff with input." \
-                --noblankend=1,2 --output=$@
-#      Clean up.
+                --noblankend=1,2 --output=$@; \
        rm $$match
@@ -212,30 +204,27 @@ $(aperzeropoint): $(tmpdir)/zeropoint-%.txt: \
                   $$(foreach r,$(allrefs),$(tmpdir)/$$(r)-%-magdiff.fits)
 #      Merge all the magdiffs from all the references.
-       opts=""
-       if [ "$(refnumber)" != 1 ]; then
-         for r in $$(echo $(refnumber) | sed -e's|1||'); do
-           opts="$$opts --catrowfile=$(tmpdir)/ref$$r-$*-magdiff.fits"
-         done
-       fi
 #      Merge all the rows from all the reference images into one.
-       merged=$(subst .txt,-merged.fits,$@)
-       asttable $(tmpdir)/ref1-$*-magdiff.fits $$opts -o$$merged
-       astfits $$merged --update=EXTNAME,APER-$*
 #      If the user requested a certain magnitude range, use it.
-       rangeopt=""
-       if [ x"$(magrange)" != x ]; then
-         rangeopt="--range=MAG-REF,$(magrange)"
-       fi
 #      Find the zeropoint and its standard deviationg using sigma-clipped
 #      median and standard deviation. Write them into the target.
+       merged=$(subst .txt,-merged.fits,$@); \
+       opts=""; \
+       if ! [ "$(refnumber)" = 1 ]; then \
+         for r in $$(echo $(refnumber) | sed -e's|1||'); do \
+           opts="$$opts --catrowfile=$(tmpdir)/ref$$r-$*-magdiff.fits"; \
+         done; \
+       fi; \
+       asttable $(tmpdir)/ref1-$*-magdiff.fits $$opts -o$$merged; \
+       astfits $$merged --update=EXTNAME,APER-$*; \
+       rangeopt=""; \
+       if ! [ x"$(magrange)" = x ]; then \
+         rangeopt="--range=MAG-REF,$(magrange)"; \
+       fi; \
        zpstd=$$(asttable $$merged $$rangeopt -cMAG-DIFF \
                          | aststatistics --sigclip-median \
-                                         --sigclip-std --quiet)
-       echo "$* $$zpstd" > $@
+                                         --sigclip-std --quiet); \
+        echo "$* $$zpstd" > $@
@@ -250,69 +239,57 @@ zeropoint=$(output)
 $(zeropoint): $(aperzeropoint)
 #      Obtain the zeropoint and zero point STD of each aperture.
-       zp=$(subst .fits,-tmp.txt,$@)
-       echo "# Column 1: APERTURE  [arcsec,f32,]" > $$zp
-       echo "# Column 2: ZEROPOINT [mag,f32,]"  >> $$zp
-       echo "# Column 3: ZPSTD     [mag,f32,]"  >> $$zp
-       for a in $(aper-arcsec); do
-         cat $(tmpdir)/zeropoint-$$a.txt        >> $$zp
-       done
 #      Find the best aperture; its zero point and STD.
-       magmin=""
-       magmax=""
-       if [ x"$(magrange)" != x ]; then
-         magmin=$$(echo "$(magrange)" | sed 's|,| |' | awk '{print $$1}')
-         magmax=$$(echo "$(magrange)" | sed 's|,| |' | awk '{print $$2}')
-       fi
 #      Auxiliary/temporary file
-       asttable $$zp --output=$@.fits
-       bestaper=$$(asttable $$zp --sort=ZPSTD --head=1 --column=APERTURE)
-       bestzp=$$(asttable $$zp --sort=ZPSTD --head=1  --column=ZEROPOINT)
-       beststd=$$(asttable $$zp --sort=ZPSTD --head=1  --column=ZPSTD)
-       astfits $@.fits --write=/,"Zeropoint properties"
-       astfits $@.fits --write=ZPAPER,"$$bestaper","Best aperture."
-       astfits $@.fits --write=ZPVALUE,"$$bestzp","Best zero point."
-       astfits $@.fits --write=ZPSTD,"$$beststd","Best standard deviation of 
 #      If the user requested a certain magnitude range, add minmag and maxmag 
to header.
-       if [ x"$(magrange)" != x ]; then
-         astfits $@.fits --write=MAGMIN,"$$magmin","Minimum magnitude for 
obtaining zeropoint."
-         astfits $@.fits --write=MAGMAX,"$$magmax","Maximum magnitude for 
obtaining zeropoint."
-       fi
-       if [ x"$(keepzpap)" = x ]; then
 #         The 'bestaper' above is returned from 'asttable', that is saved
 #         as a floating point, so the extra digits in reading floating
 #         points
-          for a in $(aper-arcsec); do
-            check=$$(echo $$a \
-                          | awk -vb=$$bestaper \
-                                '$$1>b-1e-6 && $$1<b+1e-6{print "yes"}')
-            if [ x$$check = xyes ]; then bestaperstr=$$a; fi
-          done
 #         Move the main table to the output and copy the mag-vs-zeroppoint
 #         plot for the best aperture.
-          astfits $(tmpdir)/zeropoint-$$bestaperstr-merged.fits --copy=1 
-          mv $@.fits $@
-       else
 #        Move the main table to the output and copy the mag-vs-zeroppoint
 #        plot for the whole aperture.
-         for a in $(aper-arcsec); do
-           astfits $(tmpdir)/zeropoint-$$a-merged.fits --copy=1 -o$@.fits
-         done
-         mv $@.fits $@
-       fi
 #      Clean up.
+       zp=$(subst .fits,-tmp.txt,$@); \
+       echo "# Column 1: APERTURE  [arcsec,f32,]" > $$zp; \
+       echo "# Column 2: ZEROPOINT [mag,f32,]"  >> $$zp; \
+       echo "# Column 3: ZPSTD     [mag,f32,]"  >> $$zp; \
+       for a in $(aper-arcsec); do \
+         cat $(tmpdir)/zeropoint-$$a.txt    >> $$zp; \
+       done; \
+       magmin=""; \
+       magmax=""; \
+       if ! [ x"$(magrange)" = x ]; then \
+         magmin=$$(echo "$(magrange)" | sed 's|,| |' | awk '{print $$1}'); \
+         magmax=$$(echo "$(magrange)" | sed 's|,| |' | awk '{print $$2}'); \
+       fi; \
+       asttable $$zp --output=$@.fits; \
+       bestaper=$$(asttable $$zp --sort=ZPSTD --head=1 --column=APERTURE); \
+       bestzp=$$(asttable $$zp --sort=ZPSTD --head=1  --column=ZEROPOINT); \
+       beststd=$$(asttable $$zp --sort=ZPSTD --head=1  --column=ZPSTD); \
+       astfits $@.fits --write=/,"Zeropoint properties"; \
+       astfits $@.fits --write=ZPAPER,"$$bestaper","Best aperture."; \
+       astfits $@.fits --write=ZPVALUE,"$$bestzp","Best zero point."; \
+       astfits $@.fits --write=ZPSTD,"$$beststd","Best standard deviation of 
zeropoint."; \
+       if ! [ x"$(magrange)" = x ]; then \
+         astfits $@.fits --write=MAGMIN,"$$magmin","Minimum magnitude for 
obtaining zeropoint."; \
+         astfits $@.fits --write=MAGMAX,"$$magmax","Maximum magnitude for 
obtaining zeropoint."; \
+       fi; \
+       if [ x"$(keepzpap)" = x ]; then \
+           for a in $(aper-arcsec); do \
+               check=$$(echo $$a \
+                             | awk -vb=$$bestaper \
+                                '$$1>b-1e-6 && $$1<b+1e-6{print "yes"}'); \
+                if [ x$$check = xyes ]; then bestaperstr=$$a; fi; \
+           done; \
+          astfits $(tmpdir)/zeropoint-$$bestaperstr-merged.fits --copy=1 
-o$@.fits; \
+          mv $@.fits $@; \
+       else \
+           for a in $(aper-arcsec); do \
+               astfits $(tmpdir)/zeropoint-$$a-merged.fits --copy=1 -o$@.fits; 
+           done; \
+           mv $@.fits $@; \
+       fi; \
        rm $$zp

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