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Re: [PATCH v1 6/6] site: document research on pseudonymous contr

From: Adrien 'neox' Bourmault
Subject: Re: [PATCH v1 6/6] site: document research on pseudonymous contributions.
Date: Mon, 13 May 2024 11:05:53 +0200
User-agent: Evolution 3.40.4 (3.40.4-9.el9)

Le dimanche 12 mai 2024 à 23:36 +0200, Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli a écrit :
> The Guix manual[1] allows patches under pseudonymous:
>     Contributors are not required to use their legal name in patches
>     and on-line communication; they can use any name or pseudonym of
>     their choice.
> [1]
> For Guix packages that contain patches to other upstream projects we
> would need to contact the upstream project to best see how to handle
> that.
> As for the documentation, part of it is most likely to stay specific
> to GNU Boot, but other parts could be merged into Guix (which was
> already checked), GRUB or other projects to simplify maintenance.
> As for the GNU Boot build system, it's most likely specific to GNU
> Boot or likely to be moved into Guix packages at some point. The only
> problematic cases that can remain are the move of the build logic
> inside upstream project or for transforming hacks into autotools
> contributions.
> But in any case when contributions that could be merged in projects
> that weren't checked are made, the GNU Boot maintainers and/or
> followers of the GNU Boot patches mailing list could simply mention
> the issue and look up the upstream policy with regard to pseudonymous
> contributions, and if that doesn't work out, work with upstream
> projects to find a solution.
> Signed-off-by: Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli <>
> ---
>  site/ | 39 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
>  1 file changed, 27 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/site/ b/site/
> index 81313fd..86b73bb 100644
> --- a/site/
> +++ b/site/
> @@ -113,18 +113,33 @@ Many projects using free software licenses do accept
> contributions
>  from anyone but in many cases they also need to be able to track the
>  copyright ownership of the contributions for various reasons.
> -This usually makes anonymous or pseudonymous contributions more
> -complicated, but that doesn't make them impossible.
> -
> -If you want to contribute anonymously or pseudonymously the best way
> -is to contact us publicly (for instance on our mailing list, using a
> -mail and name that you use only for that) so we could look into it and
> -try to find ways that work for GNU Boot but also potentially for other
> -upstream projects as well and this way enable you to contribute to a
> -wide variety of projects under free licenses with way less friction.
> -
> -Note that for patches, the contributions that you make are publicly
> -recorded, in a Git repository which everyone can access.
> +This usually makes anonymous or pseudonymous contributions to the code
> +more complicated, but that doesn't make them impossible.
> +
> +The main difficulty for GNU Boot is that GNU boot wants to contribute
> +some of its changes to other projects it reuses such as Coreboot,
> +GRUB, Guix, and so we need GNU Boot code or documentation
> +contributions to be compatible with the way other projects track
> +copyright ownership.
> +
> +Because of that, if you want to contribute anonymously or
> +pseudonymously the best way is to contact us publicly (for instance on
> +our mailing list, using a mail and name that you use only for that) so
> +we could look into it and try to find ways that work for GNU Boot but
> +also potentially for other upstream projects as well and this way
> +enable you to contribute to a wide variety of projects under free
> +licenses with way less friction.
> +
> +We already looked into it for various cases, and pseudonymous
> +contributions should not have any special issues for contributing to
> +most of the GNU Boot documentation/website and for translating them,
> +for Guix packages, and for most parts of the GNU Boot build system. As
> +for contributions that include patches to other upstream projects like
> +Coreboot, we would need to look into it.
> +
> +Note that if you send patches to GNU Boot, the contributions that you
> +make are publicly recorded, in a Git repository which everyone can
> +access.
>  And these contributions include a name, an email address and even a
>  precise date in which the contribution was made. It is relatively easy

Acked-by: Adrien 'neox' Bourmault <>

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