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[Gnumed-devel] Re: installation of gnumed

From: Ian Haywood
Subject: [Gnumed-devel] Re: installation of gnumed
Date: Sat, 21 Feb 2004 12:36:15 +1100

On Sat, 21 Feb 2004 01:55:09 +0100
Karsten Hilbert <address@hidden> wrote:

> > Could you not run the bootstrap scripts from home, setting
> > the scripts up to install to the remote database?
> I could and I would. However, we'll run into the problem of
> authentication since postgres does not have a password and
> gm-dbowner does not exist yet.

 Remote password authentication of postgres superuser can be arranged in the 
postgres configuration surely,
after install we could put it back to a more secure setting.

Horst, if you have no objections, I will do this.

David Grant wrote:
> [paraphrase]: other big apps put their stuff under 
> /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages
Okay, I'm convinced too.
But we *still* use the GNUMED_DIR hackery to find the gnumed logo, and the 
we can't put arbitrary data in sys.path, or can/should we?

> [paraphrase]: checking package versions
As a user, nothing ticks me off more than overspecific version testing. 
Developers demand the latest
of foo because that's what they use......
        python >= 2.1
        wxPython >= 2.2
        pyPgSQL >= 2.2 (we need PgArray, this is the only one where we are 
likely to find too-old versions in reality)
        postgres >= 7.1

I have made some inital draft packages available at,
a tar.gz with an "" script and an RPM for the client. I have not 
fully tested the RPM
(as I run Debian)  so I'm interested to see how it behaves on the various 
redhat-based distros.



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