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[Gnumed-devel] re : experimental editor

From: sjtan
Subject: [Gnumed-devel] re : experimental editor
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 2004 14:16:13 +1000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040616

Before the Ok button is clicked:
|  Subjective   : earache                     |
|  Objective    : red drum                   |
|   Assessment: middle ear infection    |
|   Plan           : script amoxil              |
                           [btn_ok] [btn_cancel]

    There are  0 SOAP elements this consultation
wxList is empty

After the Ok button is clicked:
|  Subjective   :                               |
|  Objective    :                               |
|   Assessment:                               |
|   Plan           :                              |
                           [btn_ok] [btn_cancel]

    There are  1 SOAP elements this consultation"
wxList now contains
Middle Ear Infection - (earache, red drum, Plan:script amoxil)


Now one additional functionality.

If the user clicks on this item the list, you replace the strings in the array(0-3) back into the corresponding lines of the editing area.

This should be fairly simple to anyone who can program. If you get to that point you have the whole thing beat. At no point try and save the data or link to the database.

This was done about 12 months ago, I think for allergies, scripts and past history, but things have moved on , and K has decided to obsolete the code that was done , AFAIK. I can understand his point of view, since it doesn't neatly fit in the clin_root_item is a child of both clin_encounter, and clin_episode, and clin_episode is a child of a health_issue, with clin_encounter being a time attributed top level entity, and health_issue a conceptual/categorical organising concept. There is also currently a SOAP attribute that cuts across all clin_root_items, even those of clin_history, clin_physical and clin_working_diagnosis ( which I would have expected are only part of S, O, and A respectively, and I suppose this leaves vaccination , which is almost always P, and clin_note and clin_aux_note, which are the only 2 subclasses of clin_root_item that would seem to need the SOAP attribute mandatorily). Where in the current schema do actions such as ordering investigations,
and prescribing go ?
I think this should be discussed on the list and whatever K decides, gets done, in order
for the clinical part to progress to even 0.1

Here's the summary of the clin structure:

a. Containment structures:

clin_encounter ( time, place, provider):

b. Inheritance structures:

clin_root_item clin_history ( attributed with past, med, allergies, family, social, vaccination ; and with source - patient, correspondence; perhaps this is for 2nd hand info? ) clin_working_diagnosis ( attributed as per Richard's domain useful features, such as significant, active )
c. association structures


Artefacts produced from clin_root_items that are 'objective' - clin_physical , lab_request - can be stored in test_result - N.B. even quantitative physical findings, are a form of test_result, e.g. BP measurement, thermometer reading.

This structure seems good enough to hold everything except the script prescription, and procedures.

With clin_episode, the main reason I can see for it's existence is that it makes it easy to shift a whole lot of different clin_root_items attached to it from one health issue to another, so it provides the ability to deal with a problem when the actual health_issue is not defined yet, but will be over time.

Look , it might be nice to have some drone programmers to do the grunt work, but this is GNU, so I think everyone is entitled to know what the issues are, and why it seems someone isn't ready to say how high
when another person says jump.

The next clever thing to do is the following:

Starting with this:
|  Subjective   : earache                     |
|  Objective    : red drum                   |
|   Assessment: middle ear infection    |
|   Plan           : script amoxil              |

Make this happen when the text reaches the end of the line:
|  Subjective   : earache, fever, cough, |
|                      vomiting, rash            |
|  Objective    : red drum                   |
|   Assessment: middle ear infection    |
|   Plan           : script amoxil              |

Ie you will have to 'shift down' the prompts and insert a blank line in the editor as the users text gets to the end of the line. (similarly you will have to delete a blank line if one is made blank by deleting text). There are scads of ways to do this. When I did my text mode text and graphics editor I just kept a map of where this were, and inserted blank lines into the control via code as needed, I don't know how wxPython handles this.

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