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[taler-taler-ios] 05/11: ManualDetailsWireV

From: gnunet
Subject: [taler-taler-ios] 05/11: ManualDetailsWireV
Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2024 04:29:25 +0200

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

marc-stibane pushed a commit to branch master
in repository taler-ios.

commit fa6d468ae759db554266ba219a117d8b831ace70
Author: Marc Stibane <>
AuthorDate: Thu Aug 8 06:19:07 2024 +0200

 TalerWallet.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj              |   6 +
 TalerWallet1/Controllers/DebugViewC.swift          |   3 +-
 .../Views/Transactions/ManualDetailsV.swift        | 113 ++------------
 .../Views/Transactions/ManualDetailsWireV.swift    | 162 +++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 181 insertions(+), 103 deletions(-)

diff --git a/TalerWallet.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj 
index 4555e17..c679e0a 100644
--- a/TalerWallet.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
+++ b/TalerWallet.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
@@ -178,6 +178,8 @@
                4E8C17222A6509BB005B2392 /* Atkinson-Hyperlegible-Bold-102.otf 
in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4E8C171E2A6509BB005B2392 /* 
Atkinson-Hyperlegible-Bold-102.otf */; };
                4E8C17232A6509BB005B2392 /* 
Atkinson-Hyperlegible-BoldItalic-102.otf in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; 
fileRef = 4E8C171F2A6509BB005B2392 /* Atkinson-Hyperlegible-BoldItalic-102.otf 
*/; };
                4E8E25332A1CD39700A27BFA /* EqualIconWidthDomain.swift in 
Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4E8E25322A1CD39700A27BFA /* 
EqualIconWidthDomain.swift */; };
+               4E8EADA52C6470B900C6CDC4 /* ManualDetailsWireV.swift in Sources 
*/ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4E8EADA42C6470B800C6CDC4 /* 
ManualDetailsWireV.swift */; };
+               4E8EADA62C6470B900C6CDC4 /* ManualDetailsWireV.swift in Sources 
*/ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4E8EADA42C6470B800C6CDC4 /* 
ManualDetailsWireV.swift */; };
                4E9320432A14F6EA00A87B0E /* WalletColors.swift in Sources */ = 
{isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4E9320422A14F6EA00A87B0E /* WalletColors.swift 
*/; };
                4E9320452A1645B600A87B0E /* RequestPayment.swift in Sources */ 
= {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4E9320442A1645B600A87B0E /* 
RequestPayment.swift */; };
                4E96583C2B79656E00404A68 /* DepositAmountV.swift in Sources */ 
= {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4E96583B2B79656E00404A68 /* 
DepositAmountV.swift */; };
@@ -401,6 +403,7 @@
                4E8C171E2A6509BB005B2392 /* Atkinson-Hyperlegible-Bold-102.otf 
*/ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file; path = 
"Atkinson-Hyperlegible-Bold-102.otf"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
                4E8C171F2A6509BB005B2392 /* 
Atkinson-Hyperlegible-BoldItalic-102.otf */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; 
lastKnownFileType = file; path = "Atkinson-Hyperlegible-BoldItalic-102.otf"; 
sourceTree = "<group>"; };
                4E8E25322A1CD39700A27BFA /* EqualIconWidthDomain.swift */ = 
{isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = 
EqualIconWidthDomain.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+               4E8EADA42C6470B800C6CDC4 /* ManualDetailsWireV.swift */ = {isa 
= PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; 
path = ManualDetailsWireV.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
                4E9320422A14F6EA00A87B0E /* WalletColors.swift */ = {isa = 
PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path 
= WalletColors.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
                4E9320442A1645B600A87B0E /* RequestPayment.swift */ = {isa = 
PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path 
= RequestPayment.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
                4E96583B2B79656E00404A68 /* DepositAmountV.swift */ = {isa = 
PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path 
= DepositAmountV.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
@@ -791,6 +794,7 @@
                                4E6EF56D2B669C7000AF252A /* 
TransactionPayDetailV.swift */,
                                4E87C8722A31CB7F001C6406 /* 
TransactionsEmptyView.swift */,
                                4E6EDD842A3615BE0031D520 /* 
ManualDetailsV.swift */,
+                               4E8EADA42C6470B800C6CDC4 /* 
ManualDetailsWireV.swift */,
                                4ED2F94A2A278F5100453B40 /* 
ThreeAmountsSection.swift */,
                        path = Transactions;
@@ -1244,6 +1248,7 @@
                                4E3EAE502A990778009F1BE8 /* 
Model+Transactions.swift in Sources */,
                                4E6EF56E2B669C7000AF252A /* 
TransactionPayDetailV.swift in Sources */,
                                4E3EAE512A990778009F1BE8 /* 
Controller+playSound.swift in Sources */,
+                               4E8EADA52C6470B900C6CDC4 /* 
ManualDetailsWireV.swift in Sources */,
                                4EE77E882C101F5B007C9064 /* 
OverviewSectionV.swift in Sources */,
                                4E3EAE522A990778009F1BE8 /* 
WalletEmptyView.swift in Sources */,
                                4E3EAE532A990778009F1BE8 /* 
CurrencySpecification.swift in Sources */,
@@ -1373,6 +1378,7 @@
                                4EB095592989CBFE0043A8A1 /* 
Model+Transactions.swift in Sources */,
                                4E6EF56F2B669C7000AF252A /* 
TransactionPayDetailV.swift in Sources */,
                                4E578E922A481D8600F21F1C /* 
Controller+playSound.swift in Sources */,
+                               4E8EADA62C6470B900C6CDC4 /* 
ManualDetailsWireV.swift in Sources */,
                                4EE77E892C101F5B007C9064 /* 
OverviewSectionV.swift in Sources */,
                                4EB0955F2989CBFE0043A8A1 /* 
WalletEmptyView.swift in Sources */,
                                4E16E12329F3BB99008B9C86 /* 
CurrencySpecification.swift in Sources */,
diff --git a/TalerWallet1/Controllers/DebugViewC.swift 
index 3dabde8..54d28a9 100644
--- a/TalerWallet1/Controllers/DebugViewC.swift
+++ b/TalerWallet1/Controllers/DebugViewC.swift
1     // 23 Transa
 // receive coins from bank ==> shows payee, IBAN + Purpose/Subject for manual 
wire transfer
 public let VIEW_WITHDRAWAL = VIEW_EMPTY_HISTORY + 10                // 30 
 public let VIEW_WITHDRAW_TOS = VIEW_WITHDRAWAL + 1                  // 31 
-public let VIEW_WITHDRAW_ACCEPT = VIEW_WITHDRAW_TOS + 1             // 32
+public let VIEW_WITHDRAW_ACCEPT = VIEW_WITHDRAW_TOS + 1             // 32 
 // MARK: Manual Deposit (from Banking / ExchangeList)
 // send coins back to customer ==> instruct exchange to make the wire transfer 
to the customer's bank account
diff --git a/TalerWallet1/Views/Transactions/ManualDetailsV.swift 
index c1a21b5..713ccee 100644
--- a/TalerWallet1/Views/Transactions/ManualDetailsV.swift
+++ b/TalerWallet1/Views/Transactions/ManualDetailsV.swift
@@ -221,125 +221,34 @@ struct ManualDetailsV: View {
                     let payURL = URL(string: payto)
                     if let queryParameters = payURL?.queryParameters {
-                        let receiverStr = (queryParameters["receiver-name"] ?? 
EMPTYSTRING).replacingOccurrences(of: "+", with: " ")
-//                        let amountStr = queryParameters["amount"] ?? 
-//                        let messageStr = queryParameters["message"] ?? 
-//                        let senderStr = queryParameters["sender-name"] ?? 
                         let iban = payURL?.iban
                         let xTaler = payURL?.xTaler ??
 //                                   payURL?.host() ??
                                      String(localized: "unknown payment 
-                        let cryptocode = HStack {
-                            Text(details.reservePub)
-                                .monospacedDigit()
-                                .accessibilityLabel(Text("Cryptocode", 
comment: "VoiceOver"))
-                                .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: 
-                            CopyButton(textToCopy: details.reservePub, 
vertical: true)
-                                .accessibilityLabel(Text("Copy the 
cryptocode", comment: "VoiceOver"))
-                                .disabled(false)
-                        }   .padding(.leading)
-                        let payeeCode = HStack {
-                            VStack(alignment: .leading) {
-                                Text("Payee:")
-                                    .talerFont(.subheadline)
-                                Text(receiverStr)
-                                    .monospacedDigit()
-                                    .padding(.leading)
-                            }   .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: 
-                                .accessibilityElement(children: .combine)
-                                .accessibilityLabel(Text("Payee", comment: 
-                            CopyButton(textToCopy: receiverStr, vertical: true)
-                                .accessibilityLabel(Text("Copy the payee", 
comment: "VoiceOver"))
-                                .disabled(false)
-                        }   .padding(.top, -8)
-                        let ibanCode = HStack {
-                            VStack(alignment: .leading) {
-                                Text("IBAN:")
-                                    .talerFont(.subheadline)
-                                Text(iban ?? EMPTYSTRING)
-                                    .monospacedDigit()
-                                    .padding(.leading)
-                            }   .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: 
-                                .accessibilityElement(children: .combine)
-                                .accessibilityLabel(Text("IBAN of the payee", 
comment: "VoiceOver"))
-                            CopyButton(textToCopy: iban ?? EMPTYSTRING, 
vertical: true)
-                                .accessibilityLabel(Text("Copy the IBAN", 
comment: "VoiceOver"))
-                                .disabled(false)
-                        }   .padding(.top, -8)
-                        let xTalerCode = HStack {
-                            VStack(alignment: .leading) {
-                                Text("Account:")
-                                    .talerFont(.subheadline)
-                                Text(xTaler)
-                                    .monospacedDigit()
-                                    .padding(.leading)
-                            }   .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: 
-                                .accessibilityElement(children: .combine)
-                                .accessibilityLabel(Text("account of the 
payee", comment: "VoiceOver"))
-                            CopyButton(textToCopy: xTaler, vertical: true)
-                                .accessibilityLabel(Text("Copy the account", 
comment: "VoiceOver"))
-                                .disabled(false)
-                        }   .padding(.top, -8)
-                        let step1 = Text(minimalistic ? "**Step 1:** 
Copy+Paste this subject:"
-                                  : "**Step 1:** Copy this code and paste it 
into the subject/purpose field in your banking app or bank website:")
-                                        .multilineTextAlignment(.leading)
-                        let mandatory = Text("This is mandatory, otherwise 
your money will not arrive in this wallet.")
-                            .bold()
-                            .multilineTextAlignment(.leading)
-                            .listRowSeparator(.hidden)
-                        let step2i = Text(minimalistic ? "**Step 2:** 
Copy+Paste payee and IBAN:"
-                                   : "**Step 2:** If you don't already have it 
in your banking favorites list, then copy and paste payee and IBAN into the 
payee/IBAN fields in your banking app or website (and save it as favorite for 
the next time):")
-                                        .multilineTextAlignment(.leading)
-                                        .padding(.top)
-                        let step2x = Text(minimalistic ? "**Step 2:** 
Copy+Paste payee and account:"
-                                   : "**Step 2:** Copy and paste payee and 
account into the corresponding fields in your banking app or website:")
-                                        .multilineTextAlignment(.leading)
-                                        .padding(.top)
-                        let amountNBS = amountStr.nbs
-                        let step3 = Text(minimalistic ? "**Step 3:** Transfer 
-                                  : "**Step 3:** Finish the wire transfer of 
\(amountNBS) in your banking app or website, then this withdrawal will proceed 
automatically. Depending on your bank the transfer can take from minutes to two 
working days, please be patient.")
-                                        .multilineTextAlignment(.leading)
-                                        .padding(.top)
+                        let wireDetails = ManualDetailsWireV(stack: 
+                                                           details: details,
+                                                   queryParameters: 
+                                                              iban: iban,
+                                                            xTaler: xTaler,
+                                                         amountStr: amountStr,
+                                                         obtainStr: obtainStr,
+                                                           account: account)
                         Group {
-                            TransferRestrictionsV(amountStr: amountStr,
-                                                  obtainStr: obtainStr,
-                                               restrictions: 
-                            .listRowSeparator(.visible)
-                            step1.listRowSeparator(.hidden)
-                            if !minimalistic {
-                                mandatory
-                            }
-                            cryptocode.listRowSeparator(.hidden)
-                            if iban != nil {
-                                step2i.listRowSeparator(.hidden)
-                                payeeCode.listRowSeparator(.hidden)
-                                ibanCode.listRowSeparator(.hidden)
-                            } else {
-                                step2x.listRowSeparator(.hidden)
-                                payeeCode.listRowSeparator(.hidden)
-                                xTalerCode.listRowSeparator(.hidden)
+                            NavigationLink(destination: wireDetails) {
+                                Text(minimalistic ? "Instructions"
+                                                  : "Wire transfer 
-                            step3.listRowSeparator(.visible)
                             Text(minimalistic ? "**Alternative:** Use this 
                                     : "**Alternative:** If your bank already 
supports PayTo, you can use this PayTo-Link instead:")
-                            HStack {
-                                Text(verbatim: "|")       // only reason for 
this leading-aligned text is to get a nice full length listRowSeparator
-                                    .accessibilityHidden(true)
-                                    .foregroundColor(Color.clear)
-//                              Spacer()
                             let title = String(localized: "Share the PayTo 
URL", comment: "VoiceOver")
                             let minTitle = String(localized: "Share PayTo", 
comment: "mini")
                             ShareButton(textToShare: payto, title: 
minimalistic ? minTitle : title)
                                     .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: 
-//                              Spacer()
-                            }   .listRowSeparator(.automatic)
diff --git a/TalerWallet1/Views/Transactions/ManualDetailsWireV.swift 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f429d6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TalerWallet1/Views/Transactions/ManualDetailsWireV.swift
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+ * This file is part of GNU Taler, ©2022-24 Taler Systems S.A.
+ * See
+ */
+ * @author Marc Stibane
+ */
+import SwiftUI
+import OrderedCollections
+import taler_swift
+struct ManualDetailsWireV: View {
+    let stack: CallStack
+    let details : WithdrawalDetails
+    let queryParameters: [String:String]
+    let iban: String?
+    let xTaler: String
+    let amountStr: String
+    let obtainStr: String
+    let account: WithdrawalExchangeAccountDetails
+    @AppStorage("minimalistic") var minimalistic: Bool = false
+    let navTitle = String(localized: "Wire transfer", comment: "ViewTitle of 
wire-transfer instructions")
+    var body: some View {
+        List {
+            let receiverStr = (queryParameters["receiver-name"] ?? 
EMPTYSTRING).replacingOccurrences(of: "+", with: " ")
+//            let amountStr = queryParameters["amount"] ?? EMPTYSTRING
+//            let messageStr = queryParameters["message"] ?? EMPTYSTRING
+//            let senderStr = queryParameters["sender-name"] ?? EMPTYSTRING
+            let cryptocode = HStack {
+                Text(details.reservePub)
+                    .monospacedDigit()
+                    .accessibilityLabel(Text("Cryptocode", comment: 
+                    .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .leading)
+                CopyButton(textToCopy: details.reservePub, vertical: true)
+                    .accessibilityLabel(Text("Copy the cryptocode", comment: 
+                    .disabled(false)
+            }   .padding(.leading)
+            let payeeCode = HStack {
+                VStack(alignment: .leading) {
+                    Text("Payee:")
+                        .talerFont(.subheadline)
+                    Text(receiverStr)
+                        .monospacedDigit()
+                        .padding(.leading)
+                }   .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .leading)
+                    .accessibilityElement(children: .combine)
+                    .accessibilityLabel(Text("Payee", comment: "VoiceOver"))
+                CopyButton(textToCopy: receiverStr, vertical: true)
+                    .accessibilityLabel(Text("Copy the payee", comment: 
+                    .disabled(false)
+            }   .padding(.top, -8)
+            let ibanCode = HStack {
+                VStack(alignment: .leading) {
+                    Text("IBAN:")
+                        .talerFont(.subheadline)
+                    Text(iban ?? EMPTYSTRING)
+                        .monospacedDigit()
+                        .padding(.leading)
+                }   .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .leading)
+                    .accessibilityElement(children: .combine)
+                    .accessibilityLabel(Text("IBAN of the payee", comment: 
+                CopyButton(textToCopy: iban ?? EMPTYSTRING, vertical: true)
+                    .accessibilityLabel(Text("Copy the IBAN", comment: 
+                    .disabled(false)
+            }   .padding(.top, -8)
+            let xTalerCode = HStack {
+                VStack(alignment: .leading) {
+                    Text("Account:")
+                        .talerFont(.subheadline)
+                    Text(xTaler)
+                        .monospacedDigit()
+                        .padding(.leading)
+                }   .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .leading)
+                    .accessibilityElement(children: .combine)
+                    .accessibilityLabel(Text("account of the payee", comment: 
+                CopyButton(textToCopy: xTaler, vertical: true)
+                    .accessibilityLabel(Text("Copy the account", comment: 
+                    .disabled(false)
+            }   .padding(.top, -8)
+            let step1 = Text(minimalistic ? "**Step 1:** Copy+Paste this 
+                             : "**Step 1:** Copy this code and paste it into 
the subject/purpose field in your banking app or bank website:")
+                .multilineTextAlignment(.leading)
+            let mandatory = Text("This is mandatory, otherwise your money will 
not arrive in this wallet.")
+                .bold()
+                .multilineTextAlignment(.leading)
+                .listRowSeparator(.hidden)
+            let step2i = Text(minimalistic ? "**Step 2:** Copy+Paste payee and 
+                              : "**Step 2:** If you don't already have it in 
your banking favorites list, then copy and paste payee and IBAN into the 
payee/IBAN fields in your banking app or website (and save it as favorite for 
the next time):")
+                .multilineTextAlignment(.leading)
+                .padding(.top)
+            let step2x = Text(minimalistic ? "**Step 2:** Copy+Paste payee and 
+                              : "**Step 2:** Copy and paste payee and account 
into the corresponding fields in your banking app or website:")
+                .multilineTextAlignment(.leading)
+                .padding(.top)
+            let amountNBS = amountStr.nbs
+            let step3 = Text(minimalistic ? "**Step 3:** Transfer 
+                             : "**Step 3:** Finish the wire transfer of 
\(amountNBS) in your banking app or website, then this     withdrawal will 
proceed automatically. Depending on your bank the transfer can take from 
minutes to two working days, please be patient.")
+                .multilineTextAlignment(.leading)
+                .padding(.top)
+            Group {
+                TransferRestrictionsV(amountStr: amountStr,
+                                      obtainStr: obtainStr,
+                                      restrictions: account.creditRestrictions)
+                .listRowSeparator(.visible)
+                step1.listRowSeparator(.hidden)
+                if !minimalistic {
+                    mandatory
+                }
+                cryptocode.listRowSeparator(.hidden)
+                if iban != nil {
+                    step2i.listRowSeparator(.hidden)
+                    payeeCode.listRowSeparator(.hidden)
+                    ibanCode.listRowSeparator(.hidden)
+                } else {
+                    step2x.listRowSeparator(.hidden)
+                    payeeCode.listRowSeparator(.hidden)
+                    xTalerCode.listRowSeparator(.hidden)
+                }
+                step3.listRowSeparator(.visible)
+            }
+        }
+        .navigationTitle(navTitle)
+        .onAppear() {
+//            symLog.log("onAppear")
+            DebugViewC.shared.setViewID(VIEW_WITHDRAW_INSTRUCTIONS, stack: 
+        }
+    }
+// MARK: -
+#if DEBUG
+//struct ManualDetailsWire_Previews: PreviewProvider {
+//    static var previews: some View {
+//        let common = TransactionCommon(type: .withdrawal,
+//                                    txState: TransactionState(major: .done),
+//                            amountEffective: Amount(currency: LONGCURRENCY, 
cent: 110),
+//                                  amountRaw: Amount(currency: LONGCURRENCY, 
cent: 220),
+//                              transactionId: "someTxID",
+//                                  timestamp: Timestamp(from: 
+//                                  txActions: [])
+//        let payto = 
+//        let details = WithdrawalDetails(type: .manual, 
+//                                  reservePub: 
+//                              reserveIsReady: false,
+//                                   confirmed: false)
+//        List {
+//            ManualDetailsWireV(stack: CallStack("Preview"),
+//                               details: details,
+//                               queryParameters: <#T##[String : String]#>,
+//                               iban: <#T##String?#>,
+//                               xTaler: <#T##String#>,
+//                               amountStr: <#T##String#>,
+//                               obtainStr: <#T##String#>,
+//                               account: 
+//        }
+//    }

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