José Miguel Gonçalves<address@hidden>:
Hi Eric,
On 21-03-2012 22:12, Eric S. Raymond wrote:
José Miguel Gonçalves<address@hidden>:
While working with a Septentrio PolarRx2 receiver, I've noticed that
I never got 2D fixes with xgps, while the Septentrio proprietary
software told me that it had a fix. I've tracked down the bug to the
GGA processing in the NMEA driver.
If you re-patch yours so the test (session->newdata.mode != MODE_2D)
is replaced by (session->newdata.mode> MODE_2D), do you still get fixes?
I'd like to have a test logfile for this receiver. Can you supply one?
Sure. I attach two NMEA log files for this device with a 2D fix. One
outputting GGA+GSA+GSV+VTG+ZDA+GST (nmea_2d.log) and the other
outputting all the NMEA messages that the receiver supports
> From the full log, I get these fixes with the current GPSD head
Is this the expected behavior? Does it fix your problem?