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Re: [gpsd-dev] [PATCH 2/3] Enable Windows version of gpxlogger

From: Fred Wright
Subject: Re: [gpsd-dev] [PATCH 2/3] Enable Windows version of gpxlogger
Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2017 13:27:42 -0800 (PST)

On Sun, 5 Mar 2017, Robert Norris wrote:

> I don't think I've ever seen man pages on Windows. For distributing
> libgps.dll, gpspipe.exe and gpxlogger.exe I was thinking of just
> offering the binaries only.
> The man pages can often be found online (e.g.

You could include the docs (either in the same package or a separate one)
rather than relying on online docs.  If there's no "man" equivalent on
Windows, this could be the HTML versions.

> However it would seem strange to mention Windows issues in the man
> pages, when they there mainly for Unix like systems.

Yeah, good point.

> Perhaps a statement about Windows support would be better off somewhere
> in the www/ documentation.

Sounds reasonable.  Especially since the www build is now working again.

Speaking of Windows and manpages, I made a recent change to suppress all
the "Note: Writing" crap when building in --silent mode.  This involves
replacing the "spawn" function for the manpage builders.  The standard
posix version is pretty simple, but the win32 version is much more
complicated, so it's not entirely clear that my replacement is valid for
win32.  But this only matters if one is building in --silent mode and:

1) One is actually building on Windows, rather than cross-building for
Windows on a POSIX platform.


2) One is building manpages, meaning that either xsltproc or xmlto is
available on Windows.

I suspect that at least one of those conditions is necessarily false for
other reasons.  If not, I'd be inclined to just disable the filtering hack
on Windows, rather than implement a more complicated version.

Fred Wright

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