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Re: [gpsd-dev] Logs Timing

From: teyrana
Subject: Re: [gpsd-dev] Logs Timing
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2018 15:05:14 -0500

> > Never been done before.  Go ahead if you can make it work.
> >
> Oh, gpspipe already generates the timestamps (with '-u' or '-uu').
> No code necessary!

But gpsfake has no idea what to do with them.  gpsfake is called by
regression-driver to do the regression tests.

Yea, fair enough.  That's what I'd like to add! 

1. Patch Proposal #1: respect time offsets in gpsfake:
I was thinking that the start of the file would be matched to the start of execution, and subsequent messages would be offset respectively.
(That is, if message #n is logged at y seconds after the log file started, it would be sent y seconds after 'gpsfake' begins executing.)

Follow-on patch proposals:
2. add a timestamp into the json output: (localtime if missing a timezone; UTC if it includes one) 
3. Include timezone (or enforce UTC) in gpsfake)

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