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[Guile-commits] 02/04: add (ice-9 ethreads)

From: Andy Wingo
Subject: [Guile-commits] 02/04: add (ice-9 ethreads)
Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2016 09:08:56 +0000 (UTC)

wingo pushed a commit to branch wip-ethreads
in repository guile.

commit 253dc1a7114b89351a3aa330caf173b98c5a65dd
Author: Andy Wingo <address@hidden>
Date:   Thu Mar 22 10:49:22 2012 +0100

    add (ice-9 ethreads)
    * module/ice-9/ethreads.scm: New module, providing cooperative
      lightweight threads that yield when they would otherwise sleep or wait
      for I/O.
    * module/ Add to build.
 module/        |    1 +
 module/ice-9/ethreads.scm |  265 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 266 insertions(+)

diff --git a/module/ b/module/
index a6cbef3..85da068 100644
--- a/module/
+++ b/module/
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ SOURCES =                                     \
   ice-9/deprecated.scm                         \
   ice-9/documentation.scm                      \
   ice-9/epoll.scm                              \
+  ice-9/ethreads.scm                           \
   ice-9/eval-string.scm                                \
   ice-9/eval.scm                               \
   ice-9/expect.scm                             \
diff --git a/module/ice-9/ethreads.scm b/module/ice-9/ethreads.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac428ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/ice-9/ethreads.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+;; Ethreads: cooperative, event-driven user-space threads.
+;;;; Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
+;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+;;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 
+(define-module (ice-9 ethreads)
+  #:use-module ((srfi srfi-1) #:select (append-reverse!))
+  #:use-module (srfi srfi-9)
+  #:use-module (ice-9 epoll)
+  #:use-module (ice-9 ports internal)
+  #:use-module (ice-9 suspendable-ports)
+  #:replace (sleep)
+  #:export (;; Low-level interface: contexts and threads.
+            make-econtext
+            current-econtext
+            ensure-current-econtext
+            destroy-econtext
+            create-ethread
+            current-ethread
+            kill-ethread
+            ethread-state
+            ;; High-level interface.
+            run
+            spawn
+            suspend
+            resume
+            ;; sleep is #:replace'd; see above
+            ))
+(define-record-type <econtext>
+  (%make-econtext epfd prompt-tag runnables sources sleepers)
+  nio?
+  (epfd econtext-epfd)
+  (prompt-tag econtext-prompt-tag)
+  ;; (thread ...)
+  (runnables econtext-runnables set-econtext-runnables!)
+  ;; fd -> ((total-events . min-expiry) #(events expiry thread) ...)
+  (sources econtext-sources)
+  ;; ((thread . expiry) ...)
+  (sleepers econtext-sleepers set-econtext-sleepers!))
+(define-record-type <ethread>
+  (make-ethread state data)
+  ethread?
+  ;; One of: runnable, running, suspended, finished.
+  (state ethread-state set-ethread-state!)
+  ;; State-specific data.  For runnable, a thunk; for running, nothing;
+  ;; for suspended, a continuation; for finished, a list of values.
+  (data ethread-data set-ethread-data!))
+(define (make-econtext)
+  (%make-econtext (epoll-create) (make-prompt-tag "ethreads")
+                  '() (make-hash-table) '()))
+(define current-econtext (make-parameter #f))
+(define (ensure-current-econtext)
+  (let ((ctx (current-econtext)))
+    (or ctx
+        (begin
+          (current-econtext (make-econtext))
+          (ensure-current-econtext)))))
+(define (make-source events expiry thread) (vector events expiry thread))
+(define (source-events s) (vector-ref s 0))
+(define (source-expiry s) (vector-ref s 1))
+(define (source-thread s) (vector-ref s 2))
+(define current-ethread (make-parameter #f))
+(define (schedule-thread! ctx thread thunk)
+  (when (eq? (ethread-state thread) 'suspended)
+    (set-ethread-state! thread 'runnable)
+    (set-ethread-data! thread thunk)
+    (let ((runnables (econtext-runnables ctx)))
+      (set-econtext-runnables! ctx (cons thread runnables)))))
+(define internal-time-units-per-millisecond
+  (/ internal-time-units-per-second 1000))
+(define (poll-for-events ctx)
+  ;; Run through the work list.  When it's empty, wait for I/O, and
+  ;; start again.
+  (define (schedule-threads fd revents seed)
+    (let ((sources (hashv-ref (econtext-sources ctx) fd)))
+      (for-each (lambda (source)
+                  ;; FIXME: If we were waiting with a timeout, this
+                  ;; thread might still be in "sleepers", and we should
+                  ;; probably remove it.  Currently we don't do timed
+                  ;; waits though, only sleeps.
+                  (unless (zero? (logand revents
+                                         (logior (source-events source) 
+                    (resume (source-thread source) (lambda () revents) ctx)))
+                (cdr sources))
+      (cond
+       ((zero? (logand revents EPOLLERR))
+        (hashv-remove! (econtext-sources ctx) fd)
+        (epoll-remove! (econtext-epfd ctx) fd))
+       (else
+        (set-cdr! sources '())
+        ;; Reset active events and expiration time, respectively.
+        (set-car! (car sources) #f)
+        (set-cdr! (car sources) #f)))
+      seed))
+  (let* ((sleepers (econtext-sleepers ctx))
+         (waketime (and (pair? sleepers) (cdar sleepers))))
+    (epoll (econtext-epfd ctx)
+           32                           ; maxevents
+           (if waketime
+               (let ((now (get-internal-real-time)))
+                 (if (< waketime now)
+                     0
+                     (round/ (- waketime now)
+                             internal-time-units-per-millisecond)))
+               -1)
+           #:folder schedule-threads)
+    (let ((now (get-internal-real-time)))
+      ;; We build a list and process it in reverse so that the sleepers
+      ;; with the earliest wake-time run first.  If schedule-threads
+      ;; already scheduled a thread -- i.e. its timeout ran out, *and*
+      ;; it was woken up for an event -- then this resume will have no
+      ;; effect because the thread was already runnable.
+      (let wake-sleepers ((sleepers sleepers) (wakers '()))
+        (if (and (pair? sleepers) (>= now (cdar sleepers)))
+            (wake-sleepers (cdr sleepers) (cons (caar sleepers) wakers))
+            (begin
+              (set-econtext-sleepers! ctx sleepers)
+              (for-each (lambda (thread)
+                          (resume thread (lambda () 0) ctx))
+                        wakers)))))))
+(define (next-thread ctx)
+  (let lp ()
+    (let ((runnables (econtext-runnables ctx)))
+      (cond
+       ((pair? runnables)
+        (let ((thread (car runnables)))
+          (set-econtext-runnables! ctx (cdr runnables))
+          thread))
+       (else
+        (poll-for-events ctx)
+        (lp))))))
+(define (run-ethread ctx thread)
+  (when (eq? (ethread-state thread) 'runnable)
+    (parameterize ((current-ethread thread))
+      (call-with-prompt
+       (econtext-prompt-tag ctx)
+       (lambda ()
+         (let ((thunk (ethread-data thread)))
+           (set-ethread-state! thread 'running)
+           (set-ethread-data! thread #f)
+           (thunk)))
+       (lambda (k after-suspend)
+         (set-ethread-state! thread 'suspended)
+         (set-ethread-data! thread k)
+         (after-suspend ctx thread))))))
+(define (destroy-econtext ctx)
+  #;
+  (for-each kill-ethread (list-copy (econtext-threads ctx)))
+  (epoll-destroy (econtext-epfd ctx)))
+(define (create-ethread ctx thunk)
+  (let ((thread (make-ethread 'suspended #f)))
+    (schedule-thread! ctx
+                      thread
+                      (lambda ()
+                        (call-with-values thunk
+                          (lambda results
+                            (set-ethread-state! thread 'finished)
+                            (set-ethread-data! thread results)))))
+    thread))
+(define (kill-ethread thread)
+  (pk 'kill-thread thread))
+;; The AFTER-SUSPEND thunk allows the user to suspend the current
+;; thread, saving its state, and then perform some other nonlocal
+;; control flow.
+(define* (suspend #:optional (after-suspend (lambda (ctx thread) #f)))
+  ((abort-to-prompt (econtext-prompt-tag (current-econtext))
+                    after-suspend)))
+(define* (resume thread thunk #:optional (ctx (ensure-current-econtext)))
+  (let* ((cont (ethread-data thread))
+         (thunk (lambda () (cont thunk))))
+    (schedule-thread! ctx thread thunk)))
+(define* (run #:optional (ctx (ensure-current-econtext))
+              #:key (install-suspendable-ports? #t))
+  (when install-suspendable-ports? (install-suspendable-ports!))
+  (parameterize ((current-econtext ctx)
+                 (current-read-waiter wait-for-readable)
+                 (current-write-waiter wait-for-writable))
+    (let lp ()
+      (run-ethread ctx (next-thread ctx))
+      (lp))))
+(define* (spawn thunk #:optional (ctx (ensure-current-econtext)))
+  (create-ethread ctx thunk))
+(define (wait-for-readable port)
+  (wait-for-events port (port-read-wait-fd port) (logior EPOLLIN EPOLLRDHUP)))
+(define (wait-for-writable port)
+  (wait-for-events port (port-write-wait-fd port) EPOLLOUT))
+(define (handle-events port events revents)
+  (unless (zero? (logand revents EPOLLERR))
+    (error "error reading from port" port)))
+(define (wait-for-events port fd events)
+  (handle-events
+   port
+   events
+   (suspend
+    (lambda (ctx thread)
+      (let ((sources (hashv-ref (econtext-sources ctx) fd)))
+        (cond
+         (sources
+          (set-cdr! sources (cons (make-source events #f thread) (cdr 
+          (let ((active-events (caar sources)))
+            (unless (and active-events
+                         (= (logand events active-events) events))
+              (set-car! (car sources) (logior events (or active-events 0)))
+              (epoll-modify! (econtext-epfd ctx) fd
+                             (logior (caar sources) EPOLLONESHOT)))))
+         (else
+          (hashv-set! (econtext-sources ctx)
+                      fd (acons events #f
+                                (list (make-source events #f thread))))
+          (epoll-add! (econtext-epfd ctx) fd (logior events 
+(define (add-sleeper! ctx thread seconds)
+  (let ((waketime (+ (get-internal-real-time)
+                     (inexact->exact
+                      (round (* seconds internal-time-units-per-second))))))
+    (let lp ((head '()) (tail (econtext-sleepers ctx)))
+      (if (and (pair? tail) (> waketime (cdar tail)))
+          (lp (cons (car tail) head) (cdr tail))
+          (set-econtext-sleepers!
+           ctx
+           (append-reverse! head (acons thread waketime tail)))))))
+(define (sleep seconds)
+  (suspend
+   (lambda (ctx thread)
+     (add-sleeper! ctx thread seconds))))

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