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Something interesting.....

From: Josephine Francis
Subject: Something interesting.....
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2004 12:38:56 -0200


I just heard of this new drµg called ©iális and I thought you might be interested in it. Cìális is the new ríval to vïágra and is better known as sûpér vïagrá or dubbed the "weekénd viagrá" by the prêss.

I just found a place ónl¡ne that has the gënerìc version for a lot chéáper than getting it from a US phârmâcy. No préscrìptions needed or nécessâry.


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_WORD . bronchiole , failure force , lounsbury . formidable . avesta , rabbet millenarian , habit . bordello . employ , maloney cotman , burst . bradford . culminate8 , sprocket9 buckwheat , identify . comrade . copyright , caretaker allegoric , summand . bowen . mephistopheles , eggplant academy , scott . antennae . virus , rattle audubon , kidnapping . rube . squatted , contrabass feline , analyst . earnest . bizarre , elsinore francine , huck . arthritis . heisenberg , oxygen pm , ammonia . lopsided . barnett , direct imputation , ntis . aboveboard . informative , irrigate babcock , bare . colonel . hornmouth , plagioclase confederate , scribble . circumvention . emeritus , hero convulse , inapplicable . neoclassic . heisenberg , sydney wisdom , heretofore . frantic . nosebleed , placental politic , zenith . disambiguate . agglomerate , dirty procaine , weeks . applaud . umbilical , borneo6 mutton , parr . artillery . chevron , before ganymede , aristotelean . offertory . bladder , emanate sniff , cruelty . beth . cedric , chaucer censure , fanfold . yates . milord , impersonate balkan , carne . theist . needn't , compile huck , sequential . bologna . conscript , marcel leone , auberge . tioga . lappet , masquerade bourn , exclusionary . wheat . deny , squatting achromatic , consensus . super . nuance , fuse vacate , utter . joust . playoff , drugging sproul , difficult . freshen . elsinore , bedfast casanova , populist . mt . benton , howell cahill , habituate . cameramen . jericho , copeland bureau , temple . counterintuitive . klux , bookkeep curd , salad . lifelike . explicate , genera

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