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Re: scm_leave_guile, setjmp, and caller-saved registers

From: Marius Vollmer
Subject: Re: scm_leave_guile, setjmp, and caller-saved registers
Date: Tue, 06 Dec 2005 21:10:16 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Ken Raeburn <address@hidden> writes:

> Somebody please check me on this, I'm not sure if scm_leave_guile can
> be relied upon to work.

I believe everything you say is correct, unfortunately.

I will make the change you propose to scm_without_guile and remove
scm_leave_guile and scm_enter_guile.  I will put your explanation next
to scm_without_guile.

The rest of your text since it is so old now (sorry):

> Actually, it's the suspend() function inside it, in the current
> implementation, but the issue extends to scm_leave_guile, and
> scm_without_guile in its current implementation.
> Consider this sequence:
> Function foo, called in Guile mode, calls suspend (maybe indirectly
> through scm_leave_guile), which does this:
>    /* record top of stack for the GC */
>    t->top = SCM_STACK_PTR (&t);     // just takes address of automatic
>    var 't'
>    /* save registers. */
>    SCM_FLUSH_REGISTER_WINDOWS;      // sparc only
>    setjmp (t->regs);                // here's most of the magic
> ... and returns.
> Function foo has a SCM value X, a handle on a non-immediate object, in
> a caller-saved register R, and it's the only reference to the object
> currently.
> The compiler wants to use R in suspend, so it pushes the current
> value, X, into a stack slot which will be reloaded on exit from
> suspend; then it loads stuff into R and goes about its business.  The
> setjmp call saves (some of) the current registers, including R, which
> no longer contains X.  (This isn't a problem for a normal
> setjmp/longjmp situation, where longjmp would be called before
> setjmp's caller returns; the old value for X would be loaded back from
> the stack after the longjmp, before the function returned.)
> So, suspend returns, loading X back into R (and invalidating the jump
> buffer) in the process.  The caller foo then goes off and calls a
> bunch of other functions out of Guile mode, occasionally storing X on
> the stack again, but, say, much deeper on the stack than suspend's
> stack frame went, and the stack slot where suspend had written X has
> long since been overwritten with other values.
> Okay, nothing actively broken so far.  Now, let garbage collection
> run, triggered by another thread.
> The thread calling foo is out of Guile mode at the time, so the
> garbage collector just scans a range of stack addresses.  Too bad that
> X isn't stored there.  So the pointed-to storage goes onto the free
> list, and I think you can see where things go from there.
> Is there anything I'm missing that'll prevent this scenario from
> happening?  I mean, aside from, "well, suspend and scm_leave_guile
> don't have many local variables, so they probably won't need to save
> any registers on most systems, so we hope everything will wind up in
> the jump buffer and we'll just get away with it"?
> (And, going the other direction, if scm_leave_guile and suspend push
> the stack pointer over onto a new page, and foo doesn't make further
> function calls and thus the stack pointer no longer includes that
> page, are we guaranteed that the kernel cannot release the now-unused
> stack page that contains the top-of-stack pointer we just saved?  I
> don't know if any OS actually does that.  If it does, we could get
> faults in garbage collection.)
> I don't think scm_without_guile has to have this problem, as it gets
> more control over the stack handling -- but it should call setjmp
> itself.  I'd probably try something like:
>    /* record top of stack for the GC */
>    t->top = SCM_STACK_PTR (&t);
>    /* save registers. */
>    setjmp (t->regs);
>    res = func(data);
>    scm_enter_guile (t);
> ... though even that's making some assumptions about the stack
> ordering of local variables versus caller-saved registers.
> For something like scm_leave_guile to work, I don't think it can just
> rely on invalidated jump buffers.  A valid jump buffer, and a handle
> on the stack state at the point when the jump buffer was initialized,
> together, would work fine, but I think then we're talking about macros
> invoking setjmp in the caller's stack frame, and requiring that the
> caller of scm_leave_guile also call scm_enter_guile before returning,
> kind of like pthread_cleanup_push/pop calls that have to be paired up
> in a function.  (In fact, the pthread ones have to be paired up
> syntactically, as if they might expand to a compound statement
> incorporating the user's code, and invoking a compiler's
> exception-handling primitives.  Which might be something to think
> about for cases where Guile is used with C++ exceptions or
> pthread_cancel.)
> Ken
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