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[ANN] Guile-DSV 0.7.2 released

From: Artyom V. Poptsov
Subject: [ANN] Guile-DSV 0.7.2 released
Date: Mon, 05 Aug 2024 06:46:51 +0300
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Hello Guilers,

I'm pleased to announce Guile-DSV 0.7.2:

This release includes two important bugfixes: First of all, now parsers
can check if a table have consistent column number between rows and
throw an informative error when column numbers do not match. Second, the
Guile-DSV table formatter now handles tables with less than two columns

See the full list of user-visible changes below.

* What is Guile-DSV?

Guile-DSV is a library that allows to parse Delimiter-Separated Values
format (DSV).  It supports two flavors of DSV: Unix-style[1] and RFC4180[2].

Also Guile-DSV is shipped with a program named "dsv" that allows to read
and process DSV format (including delimiter change and conversion from
one standard to another, formatting tables etc.)  See README file for
usage examples.

* List of user visible changes

Here's an excerpt from the NEWS file:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
* Changes in version 0.7.2 (2024-08-04)
** Bugfixes
*** Parsers now can check if the table rows have consistent lengths
Guile-DSV table formatters would always fail when a table has inconsistent
column number in rows.  Now this is fixed by adding an additional check for
the row length consistency to the parser.

This behavior is enabled by default for the CLI. For =dsv->scm= and
=dsv-string->scm= procedures validation is disabled by default.  The rationale
is that in CLI a user most likely wants to pretty-print a table, and in that
case we currently cannot print a ill-formatted table anyways so it's
reasonable to throw an error as soon as possible.  For the programming API it
is normal to read ill-formatted data as it is up to user how to handle the
errors and there are more than one way to solve problems with data.  Plus we
keep the API backward-compatible with Guile-DSV 0.7.1.
*** Table formatter now handles tables with less than 2 columns
The Guile-DSV table formatter would always fail when a table has less than 2
columns.  Now this is fixed.
*** Fix =make distcheck=
Now the command produces a distribution of the package as it should.
** Improvements to the project documentation
*** New file
This file contains the overview of the Guile-DSV architecture (as proposed in
*** New file
The document is a copy of
<> converted
into org-mode format.
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

Thanks and happy hacking!

- Artyom


Artyom "avp" Poptsov <>
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CADR Hackerspace co-founder:
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