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Re: Support rsync to help Chinese users to setup mirrors

From: Nala Ginrut
Subject: Re: Support rsync to help Chinese users to setup mirrors
Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2019 16:18:26 +0800
User-agent: mu4e 1.3.2; emacs 26.1

Hi Richardo!

Ricardo Wurmus writes:

> rsyncd is going to take longer as I need to make an application to the
> campus IT to let them open the port.  I’ll let you know when it’s ready,
> but it can take a little while.

Thanks in advanced!
We're trying to use Guix in our development for an experiment. If
everything goes well, we will try it in a product. Guix is worth to try
for complex system.
If the China mirror can be done, then it's a good step for us to build
Chinese Guix community.

Best regards.

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