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Re: Cookbook recipe from "The Repository as a Channel" section does not

From: Nigko Yerden
Subject: Re: Cookbook recipe from "The Repository as a Channel" section does not work for Guix with properly configured GUILE_LOAD_PATH
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2024 12:43:53 +0500
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

Hello Florian!

Here is my version of your diff in attachment. With this patch
'guix build test-repo' works for the main branch of test-repo-channel,
i.e. it seems to solve one problem (I'm sure that 'guix build guile@3.0.99-git'
works as well for the guile channel, but didn't check this explicitly).
The other problem ('guix build -S test-repo') remains.


Attachment: diff2
Description: Text document

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