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Globally configure Guile compiler optimization? (was: Re: Guile debugger

From: 45mg
Subject: Globally configure Guile compiler optimization? (was: Re: Guile debugger workgroup?)
Date: Mon, 06 Jan 2025 09:26:22 -0500

Hi Guix,

Attila Lendvai <> writes:

> i'm sure there's a way to globally override the
> debug/optimization/inlining level in guile to make sure the code
> compiles in a way that no breakpoints are missed (and/or backtraces
> remain more intact, etc).
> this should also be added to the documentation, especially in the guix
> context, where it's very much not as trivial as to change a command
> line argument to e.g. start the guix daemon, or shepherd, in a
> configuration that makes things more debuggable.

It has been over 2 years since this message was posted, and I am still
unable to find a way to do this. Has anyone figured it out yet?

I'm not even sure if it /would/ improve anything, but it seems like
something worth trying.

For me at least, near-useless Guile backtraces are by far the biggest
hindrance in writing code for Guix.

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