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Re: Common Lisp packaging conventions

From: Guillaume Le Vaillant
Subject: Re: Common Lisp packaging conventions
Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2025 12:50:52 +0000

Konrad Hinsen <> skribis:

> Hi everyone,
> I have packaged but not yet submitted CommonDoc
> ( for Guix. What has kept me so
> far from submitting it is an uncertainty about conventions for
> packaging Common Lisp code.
> The repository cited above contains multiple Lisp systems: a core system
> plus optional add-ons. There is a single test suite for all of the code.
> I see three ways to package this for Guix:
>  1. A single package with a single output for the whole
>     repository. Disadvantage: code and, more importantly, dependencies
>     that most users don't need.
>  2. A single package for the repository, with the add-ons placed in
>     different outputs. Disadvantage: the add-ons are more difficult
>     to discover and use.
>  3. Separate packages for each add-on. Disadvantage: requires some
>     heavy patching, in particular for the test suite.
> Which option is the Guix Way (TM) ?
> Cheers,
>   Konrad.


Usually we make a single package and declare which ASDF systems to
compile with the 'asd-systems' keyword in the arguments field (so the
option 1 in your list).

However if an add-on system is really huge compared to the basic system,
putting it in its own package is not forbidden.

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