Le 24 juillet 2024 23:54:58 GMT+02:00, Simon Tournier <zimon.toutoune@gmail.com> a écrit :
Dear members,
I would like to call for you to take part in our General Assembly 2024
to be held on September, 14th – 19h (Paris time, CEST/UTC+2)
The event will be online. The instance that will host our meeting and
the details will be provided later.
I would also like to point out that only members who paid their
membership fees 2024 have voting rights; if you are in doubt, please get
in contact with Julien, Andreas or me.
If you cannot attend personally, you can designate another member to
represent you; any member can represent at most one other member.
One point on the agenda is the election of the Presidency and the
Treasury; Julien and Andreas have indicated that they are not going to
run for Treasury role again. So please step up if you are interested in
running for Treasury position.
Moreover, I also would like to point this next term will be my last
term; if you elect me again. For one because I am strongly convinced
it’s saner if we rotate. And for two because I will have less time to
give the Association in the coming years.
Feel free to raise your hand if you are interested in running for being
Board member (Presidency and/or Treasury).
Looking forward to meeting you soon again,
Agenda for General Assembly September 14th, 2024
+ Activity report by the Presidency
+ Financial report by the Treasury
+ Situation with the Bank
+ Election of the new Presidency and Treasury
+ Election of the Solidary Administrative Council (SAC)
+ Fundraising
+ Website
+ Social time/Conversations.