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[bug#66034] [PATCH gnome-team 0/3] Fix qemu

From: Liliana Marie Prikler
Subject: [bug#66034] [PATCH gnome-team 0/3] Fix qemu
Date: Sat, 16 Sep 2023 19:30:07 +0200
User-agent: Evolution 3.46.4

Am Samstag, dem 16.09.2023 um 17:19 +0200 schrieb Vivien Kraus:
> Dear guix,
> Qemu on gnome-team is a mess. Glib uses pcre2, but it lists pcre (not
> 2) as a required.private pkg-config input. In turn, qemu uses pcre
> (not 2), and more specifically its static output. There is not yet a
> static output for pcre2, so it cannot be changed.
> That’s why I fixed glib (requires a full recompilation of
> everything), fixed pcre2 to add a static output (an even fuller
> recompilation), to finally fix qemu.
> What do you think?
Thanks for catching this.  As always, I'll do my ChangeLog rewordings,
but assuming it builds on CI, it should be fine to push this.  The Vala
update from another thread also forces a world rebuild, so it's fine. 
Anyone aiming to upgrade libxml2 while we're at it?


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