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[bug#66143] [PATCH]: Update emacs-slime and sbcl-slime-swank to 2.28-0.1

From: André A . Gomes
Subject: [bug#66143] [PATCH]: Update emacs-slime and sbcl-slime-swank to 2.28-0.1e4b741
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2023 12:16:05 +0300
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/28.2 (gnu/linux)

Christopher Baines <> writes:

> It seems like you've attached two patches? It's useful to just send one
> patch per email, as lots of tooling expects that.

I'm more used to sending patches as email attachments, instead of using
git-send-email.  If Guix requires the latter then I'll adjust, but I've
been sending plenty of patches following the former approach.

> Looking at the first patch though, packaging anything but the latest
> release shouldn't be the norm [1].
> 1: 
> You need to put the reasoning for updating these packages to these
> specific commits in to some comments. Depending on that justification as
> well, we need to decide whether to ship these versions in addition to
> the latest releases, or as you're doing currently to replace the latest
> releases with these snapshots.
> What approach to take depends on the justification, e.g. if the latest
> release is unusable or using it could be problematic, then replacing it
> with a snapshot seems better, otherwise, we should create package
> variants (e.g. emacs-slime-next) for these snapshots.

It makes no sense to have emacs-slime-next and cl-slime-swank-next.
I've bumped it because significant changes have been introduced since
the last tagged released.

In the meantime, I've kindly request a tagged release upstream.  Whether
I'll get a reply soon remains to be seen.

With all respect to your work, Christopher Baines, I'd kindly suggest a
review by the Common Lisp team - Guillaume Le Vaillant, who has been
reviewing most of my patches lately.


André A. Gomes
"You cannot even find the ruins..."

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