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Re: Introducing Guix to HPC at my institution

From: Sébastien Lerique
Subject: Re: Introducing Guix to HPC at my institution
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2021 10:54:35 +0900

Hi Simon,

Thanks for your answer!

On 15 Mar 2021 at 22:47, zimoun <> wrote:
Well, if you are French speaker, a two mornings* workshop is in the pipe. The announce should come really soon. The idea is sharing
feedback with other users from sysadmin to researcher.

*morning in metropolitan France meaning. :-)

I am French, I'll be very happy to attend if I can! I live in Japan now though, so I guess I'll miss parts. Are you planning to record the workshop?

Another thought: given Ludo's position, I am imagining that Inria Bordeaux runs Guix on some of their infrastructure, is that the case? If so, can you share any details about how that came to happen?

As a first step I would like to discuss with the sysadmins if they
would consider activating user namespaces so users can play
around. Aside from [1] and [2], are there any updated discussions
about this topic, e.g. why to do it or why not?

You mean to run "bundles" on computers that do not have Guix installed, right?
Well, the answer "qui peut le plus peut le moins" is maybe not
satisfactoring... if you have the choice to do it, you should. Even, if you have the choice to install Guix (the package manager), you also

Yes I meant that. They run CentOS 8, so convincing them to run a build daemon will not be as simple as `apt install guix`, but we'll see how the conversation goes :)

I'll write back here in a few days once I've thought about how to present things to the sysadmins. In the meantime, any feedback on past experience is very welcome!


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