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Re: [H-source-users] Desktops Added to Hardware List [Feature]

From: Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli
Subject: Re: [H-source-users] Desktops Added to Hardware List [Feature]
Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 02:46:20 +0200

On Fri, 27 Sep 2024 04:43:56 +0000
myrcy@posteo.net wrote:
> While exploring the H-Node website, I noticed that there isn't a
> section dedicated to desktops. I believe this could be a valuable
> addition to the platform. I wanted to reach out to the mailing list
> to see if there’s interest in developing this feature and, more
> importantly, if the community could assist in making it happen.
The way to do it is to rename "Notebooks, netbooks, tablet PC" to
computers and inside "subtype (notebook, netbook, tablet)" add Desktop
as well.

There were many talks about doing that and many people are interested,
especially because there are many more computer subtypes to add like
"smartphone", "single board computer", "WiFi access point / router",
etc, but as far as I remember, nobody proposed a patch yet.

Once someone proposes a patch it will probably be trivial to do
something similar for many computer subtypes.


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