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Re: [Health] Issue upgrading a database from gnuhealth 3.2 to gnuhealth

Subject: Re: [Health] Issue upgrading a database from gnuhealth 3.2 to gnuhealth 3.4
Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2019 03:59:59 +0000 (UTC)

Hi Axel,

On Friday, June 14, 2019, 4:24:24 PM GMT+1, Axel Braun <address@hidden> wrote:

> Hello Armand,

> In
> /usr/share/doc/packages/gnuhealth/upgrade/3.4/
> is a script that needs to be applied to your 3.2 database:
> psql mydb < /usr/share/doc/packages/gnuhealth/upgrade/3.4/upgrade_34.sql

> Did you apply this?

Thanks for advising. I did a vanilla installation and I finally managed to locate the scripts under:


Here are my findings:

Case 1: Following the instructions from the official GNU Health documentation.
Step 1:
1/I followed the instructions in the manual by first applying tryton-admin and then applying the scripts:
./trytond-admin --all --database=your_database_name
psql your_db_name < upgrade_34.sql

I got the following error:
UndefinedColumn: column a.fed_country does not exist

Here is the error message:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/usr/bin/tryton", line 67, in <module>


File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tryton/", line 293, in run


File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tryton/gui/", line 876, in sig_login


File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tryton/common/", line 1049, in __init__


File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tryton/gui/", line 873, in <lambda>

host, port, database, username, parameters, language)

File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tryton/", line 72, in login

result = connection.common.db.login(username, parameters, language)

File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/", line 1243, in __call__

return self.__send(self.__name, args)

File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tryton/", line 297, in __request

raise Fault(*response['error'])

Fault: <Fault u'column a.fed_country does not exist\nLINE 1:", "a"."ethnic_group" AS "ethnic_group", "a"."fed_c...\n ^\n': u'Traceback (most recent call last):\n File "/trytond/", line 70, in dispatch_request\n return endpoint(request, **request.view_args)\n File "/trytond/protocols/", line 41, in rpc\n request, database_name, *request.rpc_params)\n File "/trytond/protocols/", line 54, in login\n database_name, user, parameters, language=language)\n File "/trytond/", line 41, in login\n session, = Session.create([{}])\n File "/trytond/model/", line 605, in create\n cls._validate(sub_records)\n File "/trytond/model/", line 37, in wrapper\n return func(*args, **kwargs)\n File "/trytond/model/", line 963, in _validate\n ctx_pref = User.get_preferences(context_only=True)\n File "/trytond/res/", line 432, in get_preferences\n preferences = cls._get_preferences(user, context_only=context_only)\n File "/trytond/modules/company/", line 196, in _get_preferences\n context_only=context_only)\n File "/trytond/res/", line 395, in _get_preferences\n getattr(user, field).rec_name\n File "/trytond/model/fields/", line 283, in __get__\n return inst.__getattr__(\n File "/trytond/model/", line 1436, in __getattr__\n read_data =, list(ffields.keys()))\n File "/trytond/model/", line 779, in read\n getter_results = field.get(ids, cls, field_list, values=result)\n File "/trytond/model/fields/", line 102, in get\n return dict((name, call(name)) for name in names)\n File "/trytond/model/fields/", line 102, in <genexpr>\n return dict((name, call(name)) for name in names)\n File "/trytond/model/fields/", line 96, in call\n return dict((, method(r, name)) for r in records)\n File "/trytond/model/fields/", line 96, in <genexpr>\n return dict((, method(r, name)) for r in records)\n File "/trytond/modules/company/", line 52, in get_rec_name\n return\n File "/trytond/model/fields/", line 283, in __get__\n return inst.__getattr__(\n File "/trytond/model/", line 1436, in __getattr__\n read_data =, list(ffields.keys()))\n File "/trytond/model/", line 779, in read\n getter_results = field.get(ids, cls, field_list, values=result)\n File "/trytond/model/fields/", line 102, in get\n return dict((name, call(name)) for name in names)\n File "/trytond/model/fields/", line 102, in <genexpr>\n return dict((name, call(name)) for name in names)\n File "/trytond/model/fields/", line 96, in call\n return dict((, method(r, name)) for r in records)\n File "/trytond/model/fields/", line 96, in <genexpr>\n return dict((, method(r, name)) for r in records)\n File "/trytond/modules/health/", line 802, in get_rec_name\n if self.lastname:\n File "/trytond/model/fields/", line 283, in __get__\n return inst.__getattr__(\n File "/trytond/model/", line 1436, in __getattr__\n read_data =, list(ffields.keys()))\n File "/trytond/model/", line 693, in read\n order_by=history_order, limit=history_limit))\n File "/trytond/backend/postgresql/", line 60, in execute\n cursor.execute(self, sql, args)\npsycopg2.errors.UndefinedColumn: column a.fed_country does not exist\nLINE 1:", "a"."ethnic_group" AS "ethnic_group", "a"."fed_c...\n ^\n\n'>

I applied again the instruction to update my database:

./trytond-admin --all --database=your_database_name

I got another error:

psycopg2.errors.ForeignKeyViolation: insert or update on table "product_list_price" violates foreign key constraint "product_list_price_template_fkey"
DETAIL:  Key (template)=(563) is not present in table "product_template".

I guess that there is an issue with the update script.

Case 2: 
I applied the postgresql update script first before applying the trytond-admin update command.
The database was updated without problem
I got the same error message as stated above when I applied the trytond-admin command




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