Hello Yusif,
Am Freitag, 22. Mai 2020, 23:35:23 CEST schrieb Yusif Suleiman:
> I have follow your suggestion for installing GNU_Health on a clean system, &
> I succeeded for the installation. But I observed the following:
Thats, first of all, good news!
> 1. My "GNU Health Client application" only connect to the server when I
> am (online) connected to the Internet. See the attached installation
> screen.
The content shown in 'Installation screen.jpg' looks pretty good, but this is
only for the server. The client does not need any additional installation.
Just to clarify - you have client and server running on the same machine/VBox?
> 2. After I started the client application, I am unable to add my
> local server. on 'manage profiles'. It can only be connected to that of
> testing (Profile:
federation.gnuhealth.org; Host:
> Database: health36; & Username: admin) server. See the attached client
> application profile.
That is an indication that your server is not running (Check it with
systemctl status gnuhealth ) OR in case it runs on a different box, a
connection issue (mostly firewall, or network setting on the vbox, as
described in an earlier answer)
> 3. I try as a test to add patient_name but the system
> require Institute_name to be added first, to which I press f3 function key
> based on the documentation. I am yet unable to be succeed.
Yes, the health institution (hospital, practitioners office) is the first
thing to add: Add a Party flagged as 'Institution'