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define based on multiple copies

From: Kurt Lieber
Subject: define based on multiple copies
Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2003 20:50:48 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.4i

I have a series of configuration files that need to be copied from our
master server to each client. Then, these files are assembled on the client
machine and installed into the correct location.  (this is an /etc file for
a particular service)

If any one file changes, I want to bounce that service.  However, if two or
more files change, I don't want to bounce the service each time.  Right
now, I have something similar to:


        $(master)/conf.default  dest=/tmp/conf.default

        $(master)/conf.special  dest=/tmp/conf.special

Then I use bounce_service in shellcommands: to assemble the two files and
dump them into /etc/.  As you can see, that will restart the service twice,
which is undesirable.

Can I achieve the same thing and only bounce the service once?


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