I think it vould be very handsome for diagnosting purposes, if not
only can the options' _orig field be printed/dumped by the parser but
their translated/interpreted _arg fields as well, probably as a
option = "ele" # element
The point here is that application may alter the user-supplied
arguments, thus when dumping the actual config it may worth knowing
what the application really thinks abou the options' actual value.
yes that'd be helpful; of course, this makes sense only for options with
values right?
As far as I see, yes. (Actually I'd like to use only for enums ;) and strings.)
well it should be "quite" simple:
- first of all, I assume this will be done only for options with values
- in this case, output the element of the array holding the string
values for an option with values (using the correct index)
well, actually I
I took a look at generated source and I figured out I would have to modify
write_into_file() function. I don't see how it would be the best though...
Notice that I'd avoid print numeric values since their conversion into
Oh, I thought _orig always contains the original string representation from
argv[]. By the way, it doesn't matter me right now as I said before I want to
use it for string option in first place.
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