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[Help-glpk] Re: first model using GNU MathProg (a newbie question)

From: Andrew Makhorin
Subject: [Help-glpk] Re: first model using GNU MathProg (a newbie question)
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2003 05:18:01 +0400

>But how can I get what I want most, i.e. the X values that provided the
>optimal result ?

You should specify the output file:

   glpsol -m cover.mod -o cover.out

to which something like this will be written:

Problem:    cover
Rows:       8
Columns:    5 (5 integer, 5 binary)
Non-zeros:  25
Objective:  cost = 400 (MINimum) 400 (LP)

   No.   Row name        Activity     Lower bound   Upper bound
------ ------------    ------------- ------------- -------------
     1 cost                      400
     2 covers[A]                   1             1
     3 covers[B]                   2             1
     4 covers[C]                   2             1
     5 covers[D]                   1             1
     6 covers[E]                   1             1
     7 covers[F]                   1             1
     8 covers[G]                   1             1

   No. Column name       Activity     Lower bound   Upper bound
------ ------------    ------------- ------------- -------------
     1 X[one]       *              1             0             1
     2 X[two]       *              0             0             1
     3 X[three]     *              1             0             1
     4 X[four]      *              0             0             1
     5 X[five]      *              0             0             1

End of output

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