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[Help-glpk] SUMMERY: glpk in VC7 with managed and unmanaged C++

From: Liu, Cheng
Subject: [Help-glpk] SUMMERY: glpk in VC7 with managed and unmanaged C++
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2004 10:53:35 -0400


The following is my note about using glpk in Vc7.  It may be useful for
other person.

To compile glpk.lib
        nmake -f w32vc6.mak

Before compiling the glpk.lib we need to make sure that the three
environment variables are correctly set:

        $VSINSTALL\Vc7\bin            (for nmake.exe and cl.exe)
      $VSINSTALL\Common7\IDE        (for mspdb71.dll)

      $VSINSTALL\PlatformSDK\include (for windows.h)

        $VSINSTALL\vc7\PlatformSDK\lib  (for uuid.lib)

        where $VSINSTALL is the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
installation    root.  For example, it is located on my computer as:

        c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\

Linker option

        The glpk.lib is compiled under unmanaged C++.  You can use it
under unmanaged C++ without any problem.  However, if you would like to
use this library under managed C++, you need to add the following option
in your linker.


        If you HAVE to compile the glpk.lib under managed C++, you HAVE
to modify the codes (this is the way I know) that is not recommended
because you will have trouble to update the library later.  However, it
can be done by changing the struc names to unique names.



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