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RE: change faces interactively

From: Drew Adams
Subject: RE: change faces interactively
Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2012 07:30:49 -0800

> I'm trying to develop an interactive function that changes faces. 
> For example, one way to change the face is
> ;;changes face of "think", "thinks", and "thought"
> (define-generic-mode my-mode
>   nil nil
>   '(("think?\\w*\\|thought" . 'org-warning)) nil nil)
> But this changes the face according to the mode, not the
> interactive command input.
> Is there anyway to develop an interactive function like that ?
> (defun change-face-to-one () (interactive) ...)

Not quite sure what you're asking.  Do you just want to modify a set of faces FS
so they look the same as some given face G?

If so, you can define a command that reads the names of the faces to modify (FS)
and the face to copy (G), and then, in the body of the function, call
`copy-face' to modify each of the former (each F in FS).

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