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Re: Using R-mail in Emacs

From: Robert Pluim
Subject: Re: Using R-mail in Emacs
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2018 11:09:06 +0200

Eli Zaretskii <> writes:

>> From: "Loris Bennett" <>
>> Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2018 09:34:10 +0200
>> > The oldest email in my INBOX is from 18 years ago, and I still need it
>> > from time to time.  I guess time-based expiration is not for me.
>> The default is for articles not to expire - you have to mark an email
>> explicitly as expirable for it to get deleted at some point.
> If that is true (Robert seems to say it isn't by default), then Gnus

I may have misremembered that section of the manual. Caveat gnusor

..time passes...

In (info "(Gnus)Expiring Mail")

       You do not have to mark articles as expirable by hand.  Gnus provides
    two features, called “auto-expire” and “total-expire”, that can help you
    with this.  In a nutshell, “auto-expire” means that Gnus hits ‘E’ for
    you when you select an article.  And “total-expire” means that Gnus
    considers all articles as expirable that are read.  So, in addition to
    the articles marked ‘E’, also the articles marked ‘r’, ‘R’, ‘O’, ‘K’,
    ‘Y’ (and so on) are considered expirable.  ‘gnus-auto-expirable-marks’
    has the full list of these marks.

So I was wrong: you have to turn on 'auto-expire' or 'total-expire'
for Gnus to do this.


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