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Re: Invoking a function from a list of functions

From: Eric Abrahamsen
Subject: Re: Invoking a function from a list of functions
Date: Thu, 08 Nov 2018 17:25:30 -0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/27.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Tim Johnson <> writes:

> Given a list of functions:
> (setq funcs '(scroll-up-line scroll-down-line))
> And assuming that these functions have a similar argument list, 
> I can invoke a function as:
> (funcall (nth 1 funcs))
> ;; or optionally 
> (funcall (nth 1 funcs) 2)
> That approach is sufficient for my needs at the moment, an example
> of which might be to cycle through color themes invoked by my own
> functions.
> However, in the quest for futher edification I'd welcome URLs to
> documentation or discussion, as well as any contributions other
> emacsen might choose to make. Keywords also.
> I had a heck of a time getting relevant responses from google. I
> actually don't know what keywords to search with. 

It isn't clear to me, at least, what else you might be trying to achieve
here. Is it more accurately selecting a function from within a list,
using a keyword? Or cycling through functions in a list?

You'll have a heck of a time getting relevant responses on this list,
too, unless you tell us what you're after! :)

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