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Re: tramp-sshfs doesn't seem to respect tramp-remote-path

From: Michael Albinus
Subject: Re: tramp-sshfs doesn't seem to respect tramp-remote-path
Date: Thu, 08 Aug 2024 19:33:50 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Michael Albinus <> writes:

Hi Romário,

>> Maybe I'm misunderstanding this, but wouldn't this mean remote
>> binaries would be executed locally? This is not what happens to me. As
>> I mentioned already, I'm able to run eglot+clangd with sshfs and it
>> executes in the remote machine. Same for compiling our application.
> You're right. I did check tramp-sshfs-handle-process-file shortly, and
> was confused by calling call-process. But this initiates a remote process.

To be more precise: tramp-sshfs-handle-process-file uses call-process
for the remote process. But call-process doesn't know the function
(exec-path). Instead, it uses the variable exec-path for starting the
local process. No handling for the remote path.

If your problem is just the git program name, you might configure
magit-remote-git-executable to an absolute path.

Best regards, Michael.

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