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function with multiple symbol instructions

From: Heime
Subject: function with multiple symbol instructions
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2024 13:16:16 +0000

I want a function to have the capability of passing multiple
symbol instructions in its argument.  I am using mapc to parse
the symbols.  Is this a good way as implementation goes ?

(defun marsot (&optional actn-list)
  "Add marsot path and requirements."

  ;; Check each symbol in actm-list
  (mapc (lambda (actn)
          (cond ( (eq actn 'armg)
                    (add-to-list 'load-path "~/Opstk/bin/marsot"))

                ( (eq actn 'go)
                    (require 'marsot)

                (t  (message "Unknown ACTN value: %s" actn))))

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