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Re: Disabling minor mode after setting imenu-generic-expression

From: Yuri Khan
Subject: Re: Disabling minor mode after setting imenu-generic-expression
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 12:15:09 +0700

On Wed, 28 Aug 2024 at 02:01, Heime <> wrote:
> Have set 'imenu-generic-expression' for a buffer when it is in 
> 'emacs-lisp-mode'
> using '(eq major-mode'.  But how do I revert back to the initial sate after 
> disabling
> the minor mode ?  What should 'tema-disable-function' do  exactly ?

You have been asking this question every day for the last week (I
might be exaggerating a bit) and got no answers. This should cue you
to the idea that the functionality you seek is not well suited to be a
minor mode.

You have also not explained why you want different imenu settings at
different times, so your question is an instance of XY problem — you
have a need that you are not telling us, you have a feeling that it
might be solved in a particular way, and you’re asking about that way.

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