*From*: Drew Adams
*Subject*: RE: [External] : How to search in several Dired buffers
*Date*: Wed, 2 Oct 2024 17:04:24 +0000
>/> I would like to search in independent folders, like with
>/> Is it possible in any way?/
>/> I have tried with Dired Plus, using diredp-dired-union, but it doesn't/
>/> seem to work./
Should work now.
I've now enhanced `dired-goto-file' in Dired+, so it
works also in Dired buffers with listings of arbitrary
files and dirs, i.e., from anywhere.
You can use `diredp-dired-union' to combine listings of
independent folders, as you first tried, then use `j'
(`dired-goto-file') to move to a specific file/dir line.