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Re: Add exception for site in Icecat 91

From: Alexander Asteroth
Subject: Re: Add exception for site in Icecat 91
Date: Thu, 04 Nov 2021 08:10:24 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.7.4; emacs 27.2

Dear Mark,

thank you for this very detailled answer. Somehow the LibreJS icon is
not shown in my case an when I go to the Extensions/Add-On-Manager page
in LibreJS it say's:

> LibreJS/USPS compatibility
> LibreJS compatible shipping calculator. The Icon shwon on the Manager-page is also not the right
one. Where does that come from? 

Something must have gone wrong here. Right?


On Thu, Nov 04 2021, 00:33:49, Mark H Weaver <> wrote:

> Hi Alexander,
> Alexander Asteroth <> writes:
>> I just installed icecat 91 from the git generating it from source. It
>> workt *really smoothly*! 
> I'm glad to hear it. :-)
>> I'm just wondering if and how it is possible to add an exeption for a
>> site in case you trust that site and want to reveal JS content. The
>> manage exception dialog seems not to offer an add exception field.
> The blocking of nontrivial nonfree Javascript code is done by the
> LibreJS extension a.k.a. addon.
> The easiest way to add exceptions is to visit the site in question, and
> click on the LibreJS icon, which is the one with a flame and the letters
> "JS", to the right of the address bar.  That should bring up a list of
> scripts that have been accepted or blocked.  Next to each one, there are
> buttons allowing you to whitelist the script.  Near the top, there's
> also a button that adds all scripts on that site to a whitelist.
> After you've added the relevant entries to the whitelist, you should
> reload the page.  That will sometimes reveal new scripts that must be
> added to the whitelist in a second pass.  It sometimes requires a few
> iterations of these steps before the site works properly.
> It's also possible to edit the whitelist and blacklist directly by
> clicking on the "Settings..." button near the top-right of the
> aforementioned list of scripts (the one that pops up with you click on
> the LibreJS icon in the navigation bar).  The whitelist/blacklist
> entries support wildcards, as explained in the LibreJS settings page.
> Finally, I should mention that although the LibreJS extension is bundled
> with IceCat and enabled by default, it can be disabled in <about:addons>
> if the need arises.
>      Regards,
>        Mark

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