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Re: [Help-gsl] Re: C/C++ speed optimization bible/resources/pointers nee

From: Jochen Küpper
Subject: Re: [Help-gsl] Re: C/C++ speed optimization bible/resources/pointers needed, and about using GSL...
Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2007 17:21:40 +0200

Twice as many floats vectorize per operation as doubles. Thus it goes twice as fast. How much more evidence do you require?

Personally I do not need any -- I have to use double for precision needs. Matrices are just to big and calculation paths too long.
Sometimes I wish I had a 16-byte-double Cray...

ICC is "free as in beer" for non-commercial use. If you're not selling your software compiled with ICC, you can use it free of charge.

This is not true.
For research in pure science, which is about non-commercial as it gets, you are not allowed to use it -- because its your profession and you are paid for it.

Again, it is fair from Intel to put up the line themselves, but please do not claim something is free when it is not.

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