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Re: [Help-gsl] Why is Negative Stride in GSL not allowed?

From: Stephan Petzchen
Subject: Re: [Help-gsl] Why is Negative Stride in GSL not allowed?
Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2012 11:52:53 +0100

But there is no such code in ATLAS. I did look up
It is not only taking the absolut value of incX also the reference starting
point should be the end of the vector.

In all there testcases they set the incX value to absolute (i.e.  Mabs(
INCX )), which simply follow the rule in one of your former messages: *(X +
abs(incX)*i) which is not considering the BLAS standard with starting point
at the end of the vector: X(1 + (n-i) * abs(INCX)).

So, my opinion now is: they do not comply with the BLAS standard document
for negative stride.

I hope you or someone other can show me that I am wrong. PLEASE...   ;-)



On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 11:18 AM, Michael Lehn <address@hidden>wrote:

> > I think my understanding of negative stride is as follows and probably
> matching with yours:
> >
> >
> > BLAS Specification:
> > Chapter 2.5.3: Dense and Banded BLAS
> Yes, great reference!
> >
> > INCX != 0
> > i = 1,....N
> > for INCX >0: X(1 + (i-1) * INCX)
> > for INCX <0: X(1 + (n-i) * abs(INCX))
> Yes, you've been faster then me, so forget about my other mail.
> >
> > so for example:
> >
> > X: {1.0  2.0  3.0  4.0  5.0  6.0  7.0  8.0  9.0  10.0}
> > n =  elements to be processed = 4
> > INCX = -2
> > i = 2
> >
> > X(1 + (4-2) * abs(-2)) = X(6) = 6.0
> >
> >
> >
> > But when I look up the ATLAS source for example for computing: the sum
> \alpha + x^T y for the vectors x and y
> > the negative stride is not considered here. DO I oversee here something?
> >
> There should be code like this
>   if (incX<0) {
>       x -= incX*(n-1)
>   }
> somewhere.  This would move the data pointer to the last element of the
> vector.  The negative stride remains
> unchanged.
> Cheers,
> Michael


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