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Re: [Help-gsl] Installation

From: maxgacode
Subject: Re: [Help-gsl] Installation
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2018 00:03:04 +0200
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Il 13/04/2018 19:28, Sushmita Lal ha scritto:
> Hello,
> I have just downloaded  gsl-2.4.tar.gz.sig  and  gsl-latest.tar.gz. Please
> tell me how to proceed further and to install these and then use them in
> code::blocks13.12.
> Thank you

You forgot to tell which OS you are using. I think it's Windows! In case
it's not Windows discard the following instructions.....:-)

The simpler way to compile GSL under Windows  is to install MinGW64

and MSYS2

and use the

configure ; make ; make check


Before compiling the library set the environment variable CFLAGS in the
command shell as


and export it with

export CFLAGS

The define statement


is require for compatibility.

Please note that the latest official version 2.4 has an issue (it's not
a GSL issue) that prevent the final check phase from completing. The 2.3
works fine.

The the resulting library and include files can be easily used with

If it seems too difficult I can send you an archive with includes and  a
pre-compiled static library ready for Codeblocks. I'm currently using
GCC compiler version 7.3.0 64 bit. In case you are using a different
version of GCC let me know your used version. In case you are not using
GCC I cant' help you! :-)


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